  • 期刊


The Study on Instutional Generation and School Niche of the Duan Han Chinese School and the Laos-Tou Chinese School




The Duan Hua Chinese School in Cambodia and the Laos-Tou Chinese School in Laos have both taken major roles in Chinese education, and have led the Chinese school system in each country towards an new era. Although the historical development of each school has much in common, changes in the external environment have not only altered the educational niche of each school, but have also produced many differences in institution. This paper applies a review of the current literature and interview work to, first, analyze the development and future prospects of both schools from the concept of the 「niche」 and, second, investigate the current organization and evolution of each school through the concepts of regulation, norms, and culture-cognition. Through application of niche analysis, we discovered that the institutional arrangement in the host country is the most important factor affecting the development of each school. The second most important factor is support from the local Chinese community. Although Duan Hua currently enjoys greater support from the local Chinese community, Laos-Tou has performed better in terms of accreditation, quality of education, and numbers of students going to mainland China for further education. For these reasons, Laos-Tou also enjoys greater prospects for future development. Similarly, the regulatory requirements of each government are the most important factor determining the institutional arrangements of each school. The second most important factor is the cultural consciousness of the Chinese diaspora- the cognition effect. However, whenever changes in external environment occur, schools are frequently forced to design a more flexible organization.


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中國國家漢辦向柬埔寨華校贈送圖書 300 餘本(2011, 3 16)。2011 年4 月11 日,取自http://big5.showchina.org:81/gate/big5/www.showchina.org/0806index/sp/rd/02/201103/t875345.htm
中國華文教育基金會(無日期a)。柬埔寨潮州會館公立端華學校。2011 年4 月11日,取自http://big5.chinaqw.cn:89/node2/node2796/node2797/node2809/node3125/node3129/userobject6ai58823.html
中國華文教育基金會(無日期b)。寮國寮都公學。2011 年4 月11 日,取自http://big5.chinaqw.cn:89/node2/node2796/node2797/node2809/node3125/node3129/userobject6ai58825.html
