  • 期刊


Efficacy of Using Multimedia Videos to Reduce Preoperative Anxiety in Patients Scheduled for Spinal Surgery


背景 手術前焦慮的發生率約60%-92%,其焦慮所帶來的影響,將使病人在手術時期面臨更大的危險,故是值得關注的問題。 目的 比較多媒體衛教及傳統常規性衛教對脊椎手術病患術前焦慮程度之差異。 方法 採類實驗研究設計,以立意取樣於某醫學中心神經外科病房,依照病患住院時間序列,先收集對照組32人,再收集實驗組32人,共計64人。以結構式問卷(情境-特質焦慮量表),對接受初次脊椎手術之病患進行前測,於傳統常規性衛教或多媒體光碟衛教後再給予後測。 結果 實驗組在接受脊椎手術多媒體衛教光碟介入後,情境焦慮前、後測下降幅度顯著高於對照組;即實驗組在衛教介入後於情境焦慮後測得分顯著低於前測(paired-t=3.69, p=.00);但對照組情境焦慮前後測間未達統計上顯著水準(paired-t=0.03, p=.22)。 結論 本研究結果顯示,脊椎手術病患於術前接受多媒體衛教光碟,比傳統常規性衛教較能改善手術前焦慮之程度。可提供臨床護理人員選擇手術前衛教方式之參考。


Background: Preoperative anxiety affects between 60% and 92% of pre-operative patients. Anxiety increases patient risk during the surgeries. Therefore, this problem is worth further study. Purpose: This study examined the effects of multimedia videos on preoperative anxiety in patients with spinal surgery. Methods: The A quasi-experimental design was used withon the subjects purposively sampling sampled from a neurosurgical ward of a medical center in central Taiwan. Subjects were sequentially arranged sequentially with based on the length of the hospital stay and assigned either to the a control group (n=32) and or then the experimental group (n=32). The structured questionnaires, including the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), were given administered to subjects as to gather pre-test data. Post-test data were gathered after the intervention (either routine health education [control] or multimedia education videos [experimental]). Results: Results showed that anxiety in the experimental group decreased significantly more than in the control group after the multimedia education video intervention. The experimental group had significantly lower post-test scores compared with pre-test scores (paired-t=3.69, p=.00). Control group state of anxiety scores did not decrease significantly between pre-and post-test measurements (paired-t=.03, p=.22). Conclusions: The multimedia education videos for patients before spinal surgery were shown to reduce preoperative anxiety effectively. Results may provide a reference for clinical caregivers to adopt preoperative education in the future.


