  • 期刊


The Process and Work Model Used to Develop an Age-Friendly Project in Yilan


背景:隨著人口老化及都市化的發展,世界衛生組織提出了全球高齡友善城市計畫,目標在於建構影響長者健康與安適的環境、社會及經濟等因素,並能促進活躍老化。目的:呈現宜蘭高齡友善第一年針對高齡者的需求評估及行動計畫形成過程,作為後續行動計畫的依據。方法:以參與性行動研究(participatory action research, PAR)設計,研究對象包括33位宜蘭縣在地的社區組織領導人,透過質性焦點團體訪談方法,收集長者需求資料。結果:本研究發現,「社會參與」是老人表現健康及環境友善的最顯著的指標,並提出充能高齡友善長者之持續性服務的工作模式-ACCESS(Age-Friendly Continuum Care Empowering services),作為進一步計畫的工作指引。結論/實務應用:本研究期望透過ACCESS工作模式,建立以社區為基礎的宜蘭高齡友善服務,以提供長者具可近性且包羅萬有的持續性照護服務,達到充能長者及提升其生活品質的目標。


高齡友善 過程 工作模式 宜蘭縣


Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) has been promoting age‐friendly cities worldwide as a response to population ageing and urbanization trends. The age‐friendly city concept encourages active ageing by constructing healthy and comfortable physical, social, and economic environments. Purpose: The purposes of the present study were to present the results of a needs assessment of older people and to present the rationale behind the health projects that were conducted during the first year of work under the Yilan Age‐Friendly Project. Methods: The present study used a participatory action research (PAR) design and a focus group method to interview 33 community leaders in Yilan County. Results: The results of the present study found that social participation is an important indicator that reflects the health status outcomes of older people and the level of environmental "friendliness". An ACCESS (Age‐ Friendly Continuum Care Empowering ServiceS) work model was proposed to serve as a guide for all subsequent activities that were organized under the Yilan Age‐Friendly Project. Conclusions/Implication for Practice: The results of applying the ACCESS model in the present study support the initiation of community‐based, all‐inclusive continuous services for older people in order to improve their level of empowerment and quality of life.


age‐friendly process work model Yilan County


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