  • 期刊


The Effects on Enhancing the Lower Limbs' Specific Strength of Judo-The Training Pattern Controlled by Metronome


前言:本研究探討柔道運動下肢專項力量訓練,期能找出更符合肌肉收縮特徵與實戰施術(以「背負投」施測)時模式、更適合且更具效益的柔道運動下肢爆發力訓練方式,以有效提升柔道選手的下肢力量與速度。本研究以18名男性柔道選手為研究對象,實驗前皆無膝關節或下背部運動傷害,身體或精神亦無不適狀況,皆有6個月以上的重量訓練經驗;平均年齡19.38(±0.825)歲、平均身高168.5(±2.753)公分、平均體重67.7(±4.066)公斤、平均訓練年資7.61(±1.296)年。隨機分派為節奏控制組與對照組,每組各9名,進行共8週、每週3次的訓練。節奏控制組利用節拍器-每分鐘96拍控制動作速度,受訓者須依節拍器節奏,於每一聲響時完成一次膝關節伸展與屈曲約120度的蹲舉動作,需於15秒內完成一組(12次)動作,每組間隔2分鐘、共5組;訓練負荷為半蹲最大肌力(1RM)的70%。對照組以一般重量訓練的下肢蹲立動作訓練,於不限時間、膝關節須完全伸展與屈曲約120度的條件下完成一組12次、每組間隔2分鐘、共五組的訓練動作;訓練負荷為半蹲最大肌力(1RM)的70%。結果發現:(1)控制模式與背負投技術下肢用力特徵一致,且控制模式與背負投技術的下肢肌群肌肉啟動現象顯著優於對照組訓練。(2)節奏控制組與對照組訓練後皆能顯著的增進下肢最大肌力(p < .05);但在爆發力方面,僅節奏控制組具有顯著增強爆發力的效果,然而兩組間的進步率並未達顯著性差異。(3)節奏控制組與對照組訓練後皆能顯著的增進背負投技術的「取位期時間」、「施術期時間」、「動作時間」(p < .05)。節奏控制組在柔道背負投技術的「取位期時間」、「施術期時間」與「動作時間」的進步率方面皆顯著優於對照組。因此,本研究認為節奏控制訓練機制具有增強爆發力的較佳訓練效果,並對於提升柔道運動下肢肌力與速度具有顯著的影響。


柔道 背負投 專項力量


Purpose: This study focus on the training method of lower limbs’ special strength of Judo, and try to find a more suitable training way for matching the feature of muscle contracture and the pattern of Kake (using Seoinage as test), also try to find a more effective way for the lower limbs’ power training. Then aim to enhance the strength of lower limbs and velocity of Judo players more effectively. Methods: The objects are 18 male Judo players that no one get any hurt on knees and lower back, or feel uncomfortable on both physical and mental, and all have had the heavy training over 6 months. Their average age is 19.38 years old (±0.825), average height is 168.5 cm (±1.753), average weight is 67.6 kg (±4.066), and the average period of training is 7.61 years (±1.296). 18 players were divided into 2 groups randomly-9 for rhythm control group and 9 for compare group, and had trained for 8 weeks, 3 times per week. Players of the rhythm control group have to finish a squat movement (around 120 degree movement of knee joint) per beat for 12 times in 15 seconds by following the metronome (96 beats per minute),then take a rest for 2 minutes as finished a series, then start next series again for 5 series totally. The compare group was trained without time limited while finish 12 times movement in each 5 series (also take a rest for 2 minutes between each series). Both groups take 70% of IRM as loaded. Results: (1) The strength pattern of lower limbs of rhythm control group is fit in with the feature of Seoinage. And the start up way of rhythm control group and Seionage are more superior than traditional training significantly. (2) The Max 1RM of lower limbs is increased significantly for both groups (p < .05); and only the power of rhythm control group was enhanced significantly. But the progress of both groups didn’t make difference significantly. (3) The spend time of take position, Kake, movement while playing Seoinage of rhythm control group are progressed significantly than compare group, though the progress of both group are significantly (p < .05).Conclusions: According to the results, it is a better way to control the tempo of movement by the beat (such as using a metronome) for power training, this way also able to enhance the lower limbs’ strength and velocity significantly of Judo players.


judo seoi-nage special strength


