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The Center of Mass Evaluation of Exercise Habits Elders during Stair Ascent and Decent


前言:本研究是以身體質心(COM)運動軌跡與關節活動範圍(ROM)來檢測有、無運動習慣的年長者在上、下階梯之動作與平衡控制能力的差異。方法:本研究是以16名65~75歲之健康年長者,分為運動習慣組4男4女,(平均年齡為65.25 ± 1.58歲,平均身高為160.08 ± 9.61公分),無運動習慣組4男4女,(平均年齡為68.00 ± 1.60歲,平均身高為161.95 ± 6.98公分)為受試者,並以美國運動醫學會(The American College of Sports Medicine) 所訂的原則,界定是否有、無運動習慣的標準。以Vicon MX13+三維動作分析系統擷取這些年長者上、下階梯之動作數據,計算身體質心移動範圍、身體質心平均速度與關節活動的範圍,使用二因子混和設計區分有無運動習慣與不同動作(上、下階梯)對年長者的平衡是否有差異,顯著水準訂為α = .05。結果: 運動習慣組與非運動習慣組在平衡控制上並無差異;下階梯時身體質心左、右方向之平均速度與踝關節角度比上階梯大(p < .05),下階梯時的髖關節角度則比上階梯小(p < .05)。結論與建議:依據本研究所得的結果得知,有無運動習慣並不影響平衡控制,但下階梯時身體質心左、右方向之平均速度較快,顯示出平衡控制上較為困難,在未來應用上,會以其他量表作為運動習慣的依據,或許能更精準量測受試者的運動習慣的多寡,與老年人的身體平衡控制能力及減少跌倒的發生比率有實質的相關,並可提供一個可供參考的標準。

Parallel abstracts

Purpose: To compare the effect of exercise habit for elders by monitoring the center of mass (COM) and the joints range of motion (ROM) during stair ascent and decent. Methods: Sixteen healthy elders (age: 65~75 years) were divided into exercise group (4 males and 4 females; mean age: 65.25 ± 1.58 year old; height: 160.08 ± 9.61 cm) and non-exercise group (4 males and 4 females; mean age: 68.00 ± 1.60 year old; height: 161.95 ± 6.98 cm), based on the criterion defined by ACSM. A Vicon MX-13 + 3D motion analysis system was used to capture and record the movements of the elderly participants during stair ascent and decent. The displacement and the average velocity of the COM and the ROM of joints were calculated for statistics by two-way mixed design ANOVA, the significant level was as α = .05. Results: There was non-significant differences between two groups during stair ascent and decent. The stair ascent were significant greater than the stair decent in the average velocity of the COM and the ROM of ankle joint (p < .05), however, the ROM of the hip joint in stair ascent was less than the stair decent (p < .05). Conclusions: The results indicated the regular exercise did not affect the balance control in this study. It is more difficult for balance control in stair decent than that in stair ascent due to the greater average velocity in medial-lateral direction of the COM. Using the questionnaires might be a better way to identify the division of exercise and non-exercise groups and it could provide more detail information for the issue of falling and balance control.

Parallel keywords

biomechanics kinematic center of mass range of motion


行政院內政部戶政司。資料引自內政部戶政司全球資訊網 http://www.ris.gov.tw/
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