  • 期刊


Four-Dimensional Achievement Goal Effects on Creative Teaching Performance: Testing the Mediating Effects of Creative Self-Efficacy and the Cross-Level Moderating Effects of Team Learning Behavior




The purposes of this study were to explore the mediating effects that creative self-efficacy exerts on the relationship between achievement goals in the teaching domain and creative teaching performance, as well as the moderating effects that team learning behavior exerts on the relationships between learning-orientation goals and creative teaching performance. A survey method was used to collect the data. Participants were 1,620 teachers from 218 committees of teaching and research in 93 senior high schools. We used hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to conduct data analysis. The results indicated that (1) creative self-efficacy mediated the relationship between achievement goals and creative teaching performance, in which the learning-approach, learning-avoidance, and performance-approach exerted positive mediating effects; however, the performance-avoidance exerted a negative mediating effect; (2) team learning behavior exerted a positive effect on creative teaching performance; and (3) team learning behavior positively moderated the relationship between learning-approach and creative teaching performance.


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