  • 期刊


Design and Analysis for the Modular GFRP Flood Gates


現行防洪板大多由金屬材料製成,存在著造價高昂、搬運與安裝不便、容易生鏽等問題。本文以質量輕、強度高且耐候性佳之玻璃纖維強化高分子複合材料(Glass Fiber Reinforcement Plastic, GFRP)取代傳統金屬材料,進行模組式GFRP防洪板設計、分析與試驗驗證。首先,透過GFRP各構件之力學試驗,選擇較適宜之構件斷面與尺寸,並將試驗所得之材料參數代入有限元素分析軟體中,進行一單元GFRP防洪板靜態水壓模擬分析。接著,比較分析結果與GFRP防洪板於靜水壓試驗結果,以驗證本研究設計之模組式GFRP防洪板具有足夠力學強度可抵抗水壓之變形,且確認分析模型與邊界條件設定正確,供後續分析使用。最後,為推廣本研究設計之GFRP防洪板,使其可應用於不同場所,如住家、廠房等,最後進行不同高度與跨度之力學分析,並將分析結果製成表格,供業界參考使用。


The existing flood gates are made by metallic materials, which is expensive subject to rust, and too heavy to move or install. To solve the above problems, the high-strength, light weight and corrosion resistance materials, Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP), were used to design a modular flood gate. The appropriate GFRP members were chosen to perform the three-points bending test and finite element analysis, and to obtain the bending modulus of the GFRP members. Then, the deformations of the GFRP flood gates were measured from the static water pressure test. Comparing the experimental and finite element analysis results, the modular GFRP flood gates were proven to be very effective. Finally, the finite element analysis was performed for different span length and height, and the analysis results were tabulated.
