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A Comparative Study of the 2003 Anti-Deregulation Movement in US and the 2011-2013 Anti-Media Monopoly Movement in Taiwan


臺灣自2011年9月開始推動反對旺中購併案的媒改運動,至2012年9月成功號召近萬人上街頭的「反媒體壟斷」大遊行,是近年來最大型的結構層次的媒體改革運動。回顧其源由和過程,它與2003年美國反對FCC繼續鬆綁媒體集中度法規的媒改運動,實有許多類似之處。兩者同樣身處數位匯流產業變革的發展趨勢之中,具獨立機關性質的傳播監理機構的少數委員起身對抗媒體壟斷趨勢,同為引發巨大社會參與的媒體改革運動;因此,兩者都提供豐富論述、結合公民團體參與、藉由各種網路媒體動員,並推動艱鉅的修法工作。兩者亦有許多相異之處,旺中購併案顯示臺灣的有線系統平臺具有強大的頻道影響力,而配合新媒體的發展,運用了大量的社群媒體Web 2.0式的創意連結動員;而由於兩岸特殊關係,所謂的「中國因素」明顯的對於臺灣的媒體功能、新聞價值、專業自主、產業公平競爭等有所衝擊。因此,旺中購併案的媒體改革運動較諸美國的反鬆綁所有權管制,更顯得複雜而詭譎。目前這個媒改運動已獲致部分成功,除了旺中購併案審議結果要求系統臺不得經營新聞頻道外,朝野均已提出反媒體壟斷法案草案,進入立法審議程序中,但爭議仍多,前途並不樂觀。


Beginning from September 2011, Taiwan's anti-Want Want China Times Monopoly movement culminated in September 2012 as a big demonstration event involving nearly 9,000 participants. Across the Pacific Ocean, a similar movement occurred, back in 2003, as US citizens shared similar indignations toward media monopoly, which has become ever more intensified under the trend of digital convergence and globalization. Both movements won popular supports from their respective society, with similar appeals against the collusion between media conglomerates and political elites. Both succeeded in shaping the public discourse of media reform, with various civil groups gauged and coordinated via the Internet, and the complexity of legislative processes well in progress.Given all these similarities between the two, there is nonetheless one particular difference in Taiwan's movement. That is, the so called ”China element” actually underlined all sounds and furies about the Want Want China Times merger controversy. The article concludes that the anti-Want Want China Times movement is therefore much more complicated than the 2003 movement in US. What to worry about is not just the emerging media oligarchy, but also the looming influences of China via media ownership controls.


