  • 期刊


Analyzing Metacognition in Practical Skill Learning for Vocational School Students: A Case Study of Electronic Practice Course




The study aims to explore the metacognition development differences between experts and novices, who were the students in vocational high school, on their practical skills learning process. The instruction strategy which was developed by comparing the thought and behavior of experts with those of novices at the four stages of problem-solving process, ”problem understanding”, ”planning”, ”implementation,” and ”verification,” could be a useful reference for practical skill cultivation in vocational education. Thus far, literatures detailing metacognition study focused on the comparison of adult experts and young novices. Since the metacognition development status of adult is different to that of the youth, the result of aforementioned literature might cause the learning frustration to immature individuals and its application in the metacognitive development is limited. The subjects of this research, experts and novices, who were the vocational high school students of the same age in Taiwan, were in the preliminary stage of metacognitive development. Furthermore, in order to fully understand the metacognition of practical skills to the problem solvers, ”thinking aloud”, a three-stage data collection and re-confirmation method, was adopted to enhance the reliability and validity of the study results. The result of the study makes good contribution to the development of practical skill learning theory as well as provides a valuable reference for the development of related technology course design. Therefore, the study proffers a synthetic effect between innovation and practical application.


