  • 會議論文


Comments and Observations on Life Education of Male Juvenile Delinquent Students


本論文將呈現青年受刑人學生的生命教育課程之評析,並提出檢討與建議。 是以某監獄26名青年受刑人學生爲對象,共十二個單元的生命教育課程,於2006年9月到12月實施每週一單元,四個小時的課程。量化的部分,使用生命意義量表爲評量工具。質性研究部分則以課程實施後,學生填答的總回饋單加以分析更與研究者的觀察紀錄等資料,相互參照。 研究者擔任研究對象的導師與教學活動一年餘後,才實施生命教育課程。爲因應禁閉環境下的教學:諸如禪式健康管理法、性慾與愛的釐清、尊重女性及生涯規劃、感恩護照等之實施,並大量使用多媒體影片教學等方式。皆是本課程的特色。(本論文爲濃縮版,教案等可見論文網)研究結果發現: 一、本研究的青年受刑人學生與在學青少年比較後,其生命意義感得分偏低。研究對象「生命意義量表」的追蹤測得分較前測、後測均增加,且達顯著水準,顯示教學有持續性效果。 二、多元化生命教育課程的實施對研究對象具有教學成效,達預期教學目標。 三、生命教育課程在矯正處遇機構,有其必要性。 根據研究結果,對法務部暨其屬監所矯正機構提出建議,供相關研究及實務工作者之參考。


This paper will be published prisoners young students life education curriculum implementation records, and review and recommendations. This study targets 26 male juvenile delinquent students from one youth prison. To adopt to juvenile delinquent students' perverse, unselfconfident and their longing for excitement, knowledge and information, this study designs as a 12-unit life education program with one-unit a week, 4-hours per week implement time. In the part of quantitative research, survey of origin of life meanings is used as the commenting materials. In the part of qualitative research, ”Unit Learning List”, ”Project Learning List”, ”Complete Feedback List of the Courses” and the observation by researcher are used as the analyzing materials as well as the referencing materials. In order to deepen the outcomes, the researcher picks 5 juvenile delinquent students as the interviewees and conducts the interviews of semi-structure to proceed deep interviews for research analysis. Researchers who studied the activities of instructors and teaching more than one year after the initial implementation of life-education courses. In response to the closed environment of teaching, the life education courses such as the characteristics: Zen-style health management law, pre-make a will, desire and love to clarify, and career planning, Thanksgiving passport implementation, and extensive use of multimedia such as video teaching. Are characteristics of this course Results of the study are concluded as follows: 1. The sense of life meanings of the juvenile delinquent students in this research is lower by comparison to other school teenage students. The score of survey of origin of life meanings of object of study increase to sustaining level which indicates continuously teaching effect. 2. Changes to male juvenile delinquent students through life education on Learning Result and Learning List analysis are as follows: the transition of the attitude towards life from abandonment to confident; the transition of determining the living goal from without goals; the transition of inside from self-contained to soft and loving; starting to explore the meaning of life; the transition of the attitude toward death from rejection to accept making a will in advance and to discuss the death of their love ones. The implement of life education courses to juvenile delinquent students has the educational effect and can reach teaching goals. 3. Life education courses have the necessity of implementation to Supervisor & Imprison Organizations. According to the above-mentioned research, researcher proposes concrete suggestions to Ministry of Justice and its Department of Corrections, Supervisor & Imprison Organizations, as well as to domestic relative researches and practice workers as the reference.
