  • 會議論文


Study on the Junior High School Technology Teachers' Sense of Efficacy


一切教育改革的工作需要靠基層的教師來執行,在教育的活動中,教師扮演著無比重要的角色,其教學成功與否,足以影響學生的學習意願與學習表現還有成就。所以,諸多文獻顯示,教師能否有良好的教學效能感表現與其在教學工作所關注的焦點及所抱持的教學信念或知覺,有著相當密切的關係。因此,本研究欲從國中生活科技教師本身層面爲切入點進行其教學效能感之研究。 本研究從全省公立國中生活科技教師中抽樣進行問卷調查,研究工具爲the Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale,由賴志樫進行中文化後並進行信效度考驗,總量表共有24題,Cronbach's alpha值爲0.93,分爲三個分量表各8題,Cronbach's alpha值分冸爲0.82、0.86及0.88。


The teacher always plays the critical role whatever is in the processes of instruction or implementation of curriculum. Therefore it is important to inquire the teacher's related situation on facing the curriculum reform in the point of it implementation fully and nationwide. Many researches in recent years have given a great attention to the importance of the concept of teacher's sense of efficacy in understanding teachers' behaviors in the instructional process. It is based on teacher efficacy. The study was aimed to the sense of instructional efficacy of the technology teachers of junior high schools under the existing conditions in Taiwan. This study sampled living technology teachers of public and private junior high school in Taiwan and adapted the Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale-A scale of sense of instructional efficacy (SSIE) for survey, the Cronbach's alpha value of whole 24 items and each subscales were: 0.93 (24 items), 0.82 (Efficacy in Student Engagement), 0.88 (Efficacy in Instructional Strategies), and 0.86 (Efficacy in Classroom Management).


