  • 期刊


A Related Study among University Sport Team Organizational Conflict and Satisfaction Perceived by Table Tennis Players' in Taiwan


本研究旨在暸解大學校院桌球選手團隊衝突及滿意度之現況、差異比較及典型相關。研究對象為227名臺灣地區大學校院桌球選手,並以自編之「大學校院桌球隊團隊內部運作調查問卷』為研究工具進行調查。根據調查所蒐集之資料,經單因子多變項變異數分析(One-way MANOVA Analysis)及典型相關分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis)等統計方法處理,結果發現:(一)『認知與價值觀』的差異是造成團隊衝突的主要原因;其次,『妥協』方式為大學校院桌球選手在面對衝突時最主要的處理方式;而在滿意度方面,選手對於『團隊內部』的滿意度最高。(二)不同組別、性別、年齡的選手,其衝突發生原因有顯著差異存在。其次,不同性別、入隊時間、與教練相處年數、學校類別及訓練頻率的選手,其衝突處理方式有顯著差異存在。此外,不同組別、性別、教練相處年數、學校類別的選手,其滿意度亦有顯著差異存在。(三)團隊衝突發生原因及衝突處理方式對於滿意度均可有效解釋,其分別解釋力為10.7%及19.5%。


The purpose of this study was to understand the current status, difference and relationship among team conflict and satisfaction perceived by the table tennis players in universities. The studying subjects were 227 university table tennis players in Taiwan, and the self-edited ”Questionnaire of Internal Operation of University Table Tennis Teams” was used as the studying tool for investigation. Based on the collected data, through One-way MANOVA, and Canonical Correlation Analysis, the results showed: (1) The difference of ”recognition and concept of value” was the major cause resulting in team conflict. Beside, in face of conflict, the major solution was ”compromise”. Last, the players had the highest satisfaction for ”inside of team”. (2) There was significant difference of the conflicting causes existing in different teams, genders and ages. Beside, there was significant difference of the solution of conflicts existing in the players with different gender, team-attending time, years for getting along with the coach, school and training frequency. Last, there was significant difference of solution existing in the players with different team, gender, years for getting along with the coach, and school. (3)(3) The causes of team conflict and solutions of team conflict could also effectively explain the satisfaction. The respective explaining capabilities were 10.7% and 19.5%.


