  • 期刊


Analysis of Pupil Behavioral Control Techniques in Adapted Physical Education at School for Mental Retardation Students




啟智學校 行為管理 PEPCI


The purpose of this study was to investigate pupil behavioral control techniques of physical education teachers at school for mental retardation students. The main objectives were: (a) to analyze pupil behavioral control techniques of physical education teacher and special education teacher using Physical Education Pupil Control Inventory (PEPCI); (b) to analyze the use of time frame of PEPCI; (c) to examine teacher's belief of pupil behavioral control techniques. Participants were one experienced physical education teacher and one experienced special education teacher and their pupils. Four sections of basketball lessons for each teacher were videotaped for later coding and analysis with a revised PEPCI. Interview was used to investigate the link between their beliefs and teaching practices. The results indicated the behavioral control techniques that constantly employed by both teachers included locating, gaining attention, immobilizing, stating rule, calling name. Both teachers adopted anticipatory behavior control techniques the most. Punitive technique was least used by both teachers. Based on the understanding of pupil behavior, both teachers took account of students' ability level and reaction to select control technique and strategies. The results of the pupil behavior control techniques used by both teachers in the study provide insight about the use of pupil control behavior techniques and the emphasis of behavior management course in adapted physical education teacher training.
