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Come Together to Start Our Own Business-An Exploration of the Essence of Students' Entrepreneurial Activities


在現有的創業教育研究中,常將學生視為是一個僅能在課堂設計之下體驗與學習創業的教育被動接受者,卻忽視了學生也會自發性組織創業活動的可能。學生自行組織的創業活動中到底會產生哪些獨特的特質?其對於學生求學與求知又會造成什麼樣的影響?是以本研究透過敘說研究(Narrative Research),就一個名為「中山家教網」的創業個案進行分析,藉以探索學生創業活動的特色與本質,以及其對於創業學生與創業教育的影響與意義。結果發現,學生自發性的創業活動,具備揪團活動的本質,出現人來人往的團隊組合,參與者對於創業活動呈現真實與遊戲難辨的印象,並且創業活動本身即為學習的一種管道,其更進一步讓學生瞭解創業是問題發掘與解決的過程外,更能誘發學生拓展學習領域以及強化學生對於課堂知識的應用。


Researchers of entrepreneurship education tend to see students as passive receivers of the education system, and assume students could only learn entrepreneurship and experience entrepreneurial activities based on the course design. However, such a view ignores the fact that students can start their own ventures out of classroom. What kind of attributes will appear during the ventures, how is it affecting students to their school life. This study aims to explore the essence of students' entrepreneurial activities, and its affections, implications to students and entrepreneurship education by narrative research. A case study of Zhong Shan Tutoring Service Network will be analysed to service this purpose. We found that these entrepreneurial activities, launched by students, have the following characteristics. First, it is very close to the informal group activities. Second, it is very easy for participants to join and/or withdraw from the entrepreneurial team. Third, such a venture is a combination of game and real business. Forth, such an experience can be another approach of entrepreneurship education. Such an experience can stimulate the willingness to learn new skills of knowledge, and the entrepreneurial culture and to support such student-launched venture.
