  • 期刊


Study and Application on Web Based Situated Learning of "Oxidation - Reduction Reactions"




On the web design side in this study, the hornepage design which bases on the situated learning theory and take the advantage of multimedia to make a suitable learning model for "Oxidation Reduction Reactions" distance education. Learners who are setting for two groups: situated learning and non-situated learning learn the subject content through Internet under this research. Learners' cognitive style is according to the questionnaire to divide by field independence and field dependence. The research conclude: on the web designing side, soft wear programmers and chemical teachers deem the interface design, teaching content and processes are not only liveliness and active also agreed positively the situated learning works well on the web education. On the study efficiency side, students who under the situated learning show study efficiency progresses significantly and moreover then who are under non-situated learning. Therefore field dependence students' prior knowledge' male college students' science students and senior students are more outstanding then other students from different background in the situated learning environment then non-situated learning environment.
