  • 期刊


Cultural industry and collective memory: text analysis of "Our Time"


科學技術的發展,為「大眾文化」的傳播提供了現代化的載體,從報紙、雜誌、廣播、電影、電視、錄音、錄影、網路等,使大眾文化對時空獲得更強的占有性和對接受者產生更大的強迫性。其中一環就是「集體記憶」(Collective Memory)的生產,集體記憶從法國社會學家哈布瓦赫(Maurice Halbwachs)提出後,串聯起歷史學,傳播學,社會學等學科,成為跨學門研究的趨勢。本文以電影《我的少女時代》為例分析,論述做電影做為文化工業的一環,如何成為台灣的文化創意產業的重要性,並且從論述關於集體記憶成形,以及歷史建構的批判性思考。


The development of science and technology, mass culture has a lot of new devices, from newspapers, magazines, radio, film, television, audio recording, video, and internet.Mass culture has gained more possession of space and time, affect the public. One of them is "Collective Memory". After the collective memory created by French sociologist Maurice Halbwachs, disciplines of history, communication, and sociology were linked together to become interdisciplinary studies. This article analysis the movie "Our Time" as an text to discuss how to make movies as a part of the cultural industry, become the importance of Taiwan's cultural and creative industries, and understand the collective memories of the 1990s, to critical thinking of historical reality and construction.
