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An Exposition of the "Advice on Practice and the Truths" in Tsongkhapa's Golden Rosary, Extensive Explanation of the Ornament for Clear Realization




The Chapter on Omniscience in the Ornament for Clear Realization contains ten quintessential instructions, which begin with "giving rise to the thought of enlightenment." The second of those instructions, "advice," is in itself subdivided into ten sections the first of which is advice on the nature of practice which does not contradict neither relative nor absolute truth. The second subsection is advice on the object of practice, to wit the four noble truths. These two advices refer to one common verse line in The Ornament for Clear Realization, "practice and the truths." The main part of the present paper consists of an annotated translation of the pertinent passages in the commentaries by Haribhadra and Tsongkhapa, The Clear Meaning Commentary and the Golden Rosary Explanation, respectively. Both in India and Tibet, the exegetical literature on The Ornament for Clear Realization was in their hermeneutic efforts always trying to harmonize Yogacara and Madhyamika or to employ the teachings of the Yogacara-Svatantrika-Madhyamikas. However, the present writer discovered that in the Prajnaparamita scripture which is commented upon in the context of advice on practice, the Prasangika-Madhyamika point of view that "all noble beings of the three vehicles are able to realize clearly the selflessness of phenomena" is distinctly expressed. This differs from the Yogacara- Svatantrika-Madhyamika point of view according to which "the noble hearers are only able to awaken to theselflessness of the person and the noble solitary realizer can only attain the gross selflessness of phenomena." This seems to indicate that, when Maitreya was composing The Ornament for Clear Realization in order to harmonize the teachings of Yogacara and Madhyamika, he managed to elucidate the complete gradual path to buddhahood as it is contained in the Larger Prajnaparamita and it became possible to avail oneself of the Yogacara-Svatantrika-Madhyamika, a later development, in order to explain The Ornament for Clear Realization. However some teachings of this school are not necessarily in accordance with what the Larger Prajnaparamita said in the first place. This problem is also briefly discussed in the present paper.


