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Research on the Impact on the Workers in Resettlement Agencies Following the Amendment of the Labor Standards Act: A Case Study of Christian Mountain Children's Home




Adoption of the "five day work week" system has given rise to much discussion, and has also had an impact on resettlement agencies for children and toddlers. Child welfare agencies are classified as non-profit social welfare organizations. Not only does taking care of children require 24 hour per day dedication, but also dedication year-round. The family-like care model requires caretakers to be ready to meet the needs of children at any time. However, the imposed working hour limitations cause numerous difficulties in organizing working schedules. With these scheduling difficulties, a shortage of manpower immediately emerged. In addition, due to the unique nature of caretaking as a profession, it is sometimes difficult for carers to leave work on time. However, due to the upper limit placed on work hours, they are required to leave the work area. This also results in constant changes to working shifts for all caretakers. These frequent and irregular changes to schedule may leave children feeling alienated, damaging the important bonds they have established with their caretakers. In addition, our institution is remote, commuting time is long, making it an inconvenient commute. Work schedules are also impacted in this way; causing problems when coworkers are changing shifts, which in turn affects the quality of care for the children. Therefore, the impact on the organization after the implementation of a five day work week system is worth exploring. This study explores the impact of the amendments on the "discharge planning," "work coordination and quality", "personal relations", "care quality", "labor rights", "quality of life", and "institutional approval" and then assesses the overall impact. It is hoped that this will clearly present the situation faced by the institution after the implementation of the amendment of the Labor Standards Act. This study conducted an anonymous questionnaire survey, and a total of 38 were submitted. The results are summarized as follows: 1. "Work coordination and quality" and "care quality" have been negatively impacted. 2. Positive impact was seen in "discharge planning," "personal relations," "labor rights," "quality of life," and "institutional approval." 3. "Overall, the arrangement of classes" has seen a positive impact. On the whole, from the perspective of employees, the five day work week system does indeed bring about an improvement in the quality of the workforce's benefits. However, in its implementation, it still brings about some problems that need to be faced. In fact, the Labor Council of the Executive Yuan (now restructured as the Ministry of Labour) announced on October 7, 1987 Labor No. 044756 "Announcement on Social Welfare Service Counsellors" (including caretakers for children and assistant caretakers for children), and guardian workers Article 1 of Article 84: the employer and the employee agree on scheduling of working hours, vacation leave, vacation, and female night work, and can report to the local competent authority for verification. This may not be subject to the relevant regulations, and the labor conditions of the laborer and the employee shall be handled in accordance with the contract. Therefore, there is still room for flexibility in the implementation of a five day work week system.


李健鴻(2017)。「勞動保護」與「產業彈性」之間的平衡難題 勞動基準法工時新制立法評析。台灣勞工季刊 2017/6 第49期。
