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The Emotional Pulling behind the Restorative Justice-- Discussion on the Case of Indiscriminate Killing in Drama




This year (2019) Public Television launched the TV series " The World Between Us ", starting with the indiscriminate killing incident, and connecting the stories of different positionalists. The drama also led to a number of issues, including indiscriminate killing, abolition of the death penalty, human rights lawyers, mentally handicapped and media self-discipline, among which the discussion of "no difference killing" was the highest, and 511 discussions were produced under media reports. The article also brought out the discussion of the topic of restoration justice. The play also discusses the issue of restoration justice after the major crimes, from the perspective of the recovery of victims, perpetrators and community relations. In view of this, the author summarizes the views of the various parties on the above-mentioned related issues, and looks forward to the following aspects from the perspective of repairing justice: 1. The theoretical connotation elements of the restored justice, 2. The motives for the possibility of indiscriminate killing and perpetrators, 3. The necessity of selecting a defense lawyer for the indiscriminate homicide case, the impact of the court's judgment on the major case on the social atmosphere, 5. the trauma recovery of the society after the indiscriminate killing case, 6. the retributive justice? restorative justice? The emotional pull of both, and then return to 7. The repair of justice and the challenges In addition, through these seven aspects of the discussion, I hope to get some inspiring thinking through the repair of the team.


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