  • 期刊


The Poetic System of "Jixuan" of Tang and Du Fu - With a Focus on A Few Keywords




姚合 射鵰 《極玄集》 《又玄集》 杜甫


Jixuan ji is one of the few well-preserved anthologies of Tang poetry, and its compiler, Yao He, a well-noted Tang poet. Based on the rich results of the studies about Jixuan ji, this article raises some questions about the meaning of the term jixuan in the title and attempts some answers. My investigation follows two paths. The first path takes me to the discussion of the metaphoric functions of such keywords as she-diao (condor-shooting) during the lifetime of Yao He, an analysis of the relation between the Dali poets, Yao He, Jia Dao and others and the term jixuan, and finally the reason behind the exclusion of Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi from the anthology. The second path begins with the intimation that Youxuan ji, compiled by Wei Zhung of late Tang, was a continuation of the effort of Jixuan ji, which allows us to fathom the meaning of jixuan through Du Fu and to establish the relationship between Du Fu and the poetics of jixuan. Consequently, a new axis in the history of poetry can be delineated: from Xie Tiao through Wang Wei and Du Fu of later years to the Dali poets and Yao He and Jia Dao.
