  • 期刊


Comparing General Physical Fitness of Triathletes Switching from Different Sports


目的:探討接受游泳或田徑的專項訓練後,再轉練鐵人三項運動者與正規鐵人三項專長選手之基礎體能的差異情形。方法:本研究之對象為鐵人三項選手,包括由田徑轉鐵人三項選手男生8名,游泳轉鐵人三項選手男生8名,正規鐵人三項專長出身選手男生9名共25人之現役鐵人三項選手,基礎體能檢測項目為體脂肪、100公尺衝刺跑、T測驗、垂直跳高、立定跳遠、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎。本研究以獨立樣本單因子變異數(one-way ANOVA)探討不同運動項目轉鐵人三項選手之基本體能之差異情形。若整體ANOVA檢定達顯著水準,則再以雪費法(Scheffe method)進行事後比較。結果:不同項目轉練鐵人三項選手之基本體能只有在體脂率(游泳高於田徑及鐵人)、垂直跳高(鐵人低於田徑及游泳)及100公尺衝刺跑(田徑快於游泳及鐵人)有顯著差異,其他項目均沒有顯著差異。結論:一般基礎體能檢測項目的體脂率、垂直跳高及100公尺衝刺跑比較適合用來區辨是否是正規鐵人三項運動員,其他項目之區辨力尚無法得到本研究之支持,建議未來以更大樣本來進行類似之研究。


專項體能 游泳 跑步 自行車


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to discuss the difference in general physical fitness between triathletes and those athletes who got swimming or track-and-field specific trainings and then switched to triathlon. Methods: The objects of this research are 25 present triathletes, including 8 male triathletes shifting from track-and-field, 8 male triathletes switching from swimming and 9 regular triathletes. The tests of physical fitness include body fat, 100-meter sprint, T-drill, vertical high jump, standing long jump, one-minute bent-knee sit-up and V-shape sit-and-reach test. This research employed independent-sample one-way ANOVA to analyze the difference in general physical fitness of the athletes transferring from different sports. If the entire ANOVA test reaches significant levels, the comparison would be carried out with Scheffe method. Results: The general physical fitness of the triathletes switching from different sports only got significant difference in body fat percentage (swimming athletes higher than track-and-field athletes and triathletes), vertical high jump (triathletes lower than track-and-field and swimming athletes), 100-meter sprint (track-and-field athletes faster than swimming ones and triathletes). Other tests do not reach significant levels. Conclusion: Among the general physical fitness tests, the body fat percentage, vertical high jump and 100-meter sprint are more suitable for distinguishing if athletes are regular triathletes. The distinguishability of other tests is not supported by this research. It is suggested that a larger sample size shall be taken for such research in the future.


specific physical fitness swimming running cycling
