  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Horticultural Therapy and Prison Adaptation for Drug Addicts -A Case from A Northern Prison in Taiwan




This research is aimed at exploring the relevance between systematic Horticultural Therapy courses and inmates' physical and mental health, and promoting the benefit of their life adaptability in correctional institution and social interaction via Horticultural Therapy. This study adopts experimental methods and qualitative interview. Through the Horticultural Therapy, we could understand how it affects inmates' mental health and the benefit of Horticultural Therapy, and also detect the changing difference in the meantime. The researcher used Horticultural Therapy -related questionnaire as instrument. All the interviewees were selected from prisoners in Sindian Drug Abuser Treatment Center as sample. They were separated into 4 shifts and were asked to complete the questionnaires (including pretest and protest) within 2 months. Totally, 86 effective questionnaires were returned. The result of the research is that Horticultural Therapy indeed brings comfort to inmates' physical and mental health. And it also calms inmates' emotion. Being Identified with the courses helps them be relaxed and be relieved mentally. Obviously, the result is consistent with the positive correlation between "life adaptability in correctional institutions" and "the benefit of Horticultural Therapy". When inmates first went into jail, they felt stressful due to the imprisonment effect. Then, they lost balance both physically and psychologically which influenced their life adaptability. However, through taking Horticultural Therapy, inmates' rebuilt their life value and self-affirmation, improved social skills and social interaction with others, adjusted emotional control and their physical and mental recovery. Furthermore, Horticultural Therapy not only promoted their health but brought inner peace and stability back to themselves.
