  • 學位論文

技專教師面對教師評鑑環境 意義建構之研究

A Study of Faculty Sensemaking in Technical College Evaluation Environment

指導教授 : 林珊如


本研究具有二大目標,一是探討實務,並依據研究結果提出建議;二是期以實務驗證理論,並檢驗理論未能描述與解釋之處,進而提出理論模型。 本研究主要以Weick的意義建構理論(sensemaking theory)的意義建構七項特性探討研究現象,並以Giddens結構化理論(Structuration Theory)的規則與資源觀點,說明Weick所提環境中線索的概念,以及Kuhlthau的資訊查尋過程模式(Information Search Process)論及認知影響情緒的觀點,充實Weick未特別說明的論點,探討技專教師面對教師評鑑環境的意義建構過程,以理解教師何以詮釋環境,並作出預測,建立自己對以往行動的合理化解釋與規劃未來。 本研究採用質性研究方法,以文件資料搜集法、參與觀察法和訪談法等搜集研究資料,並以臺灣北部某技術學院在職教師為研究對象,採用半結構訪談大綱訪談十六位教師。研究者利用紮根理論方法分析資料,以做為建構理論的基礎。 研究結果如下:1.教師創建環境的要素,包括環境中的線索,即為Giddens所提的規則與資源,以及教師的認知與情緒;教師創建環境的創建行動即為資訊行為;2.教師意義建構的過程即為教師的情緒、認知、行動與環境間的互動;3.教師的意義建構類型計有基本型、發展型、開發型與守成型;4.提出教師多元意義建構模型。 最後,根據實證結果,提出本研究在實務與理論之啟發、具體建議及後續研究建議。


意義建構 創建 認知 情緒 技專教師 教師評鑑


This research has two major aims. One is to explore practical problems and make recommendations based on the results, the other is to verify theory from practice, and tests the practice that the theory failed to describe and explain, and then proposes a novel theoretical model. This research examines faculty sensemaking in technical college evaluation environment. It is based on the seven characteristics of the sensemaking process from Weick’s sensemaking theory, and applies the point of view about rules and resources from Giddens’s structuration theory to explain the concept of environmental clues Weick mentioned, and applies the point of view about the cognition effects on emotion from Kuhlthau's information search process model to solidify arguments Weick not otherwise specified. Through the research, we can understand how teachers interpret the environment, and make predictions, rationalize their past actions, and create their own environments to plan for the future . This research is based on a case study of a technical college in northern Taiwan. The researcher conducted 16 semi-structured interviews of teachers, as well as observation of meetings and ordinary activities in the school, and documents review. The analytic work is based on grounded theory. The results are as follows: First, the factors teachers create their own environments, including environmental clues that the rules and resources Giddens mentioned, and their cognition and emotion ; teachers’ enactments that create the environment are so called information behaviors; Second, teacher sensemaking process is the interaction of the teacher's emotion, cognition, action, and the environment; Third, teacher sensemaking types includes basic-oriented, development-oriented, exploitation-oriented and guardian-oriented; Forth, the teacher multivariate sensemaking model is proposed. Finally, theoretical and practical implications on sensemaking, and some suggestions for future research are discussed.


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