  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Application on Polymer Light Emitting Diode of Polymers Containing Pendant Carbazole and Oxadiazole

指導教授 : 謝國煌


本論文的研究是合成側鏈含發光基團的高分子,應用於高分子發光二極體中的主發光體材料,透過自由基聚合反應,控制單體的進料比例,合成一系列側鏈含咔唑和噁唑的均聚物和共聚物,其中咔唑具有良好的電洞傳遞性質和較高的三重態能隙,噁唑則具備良好的電子傳遞特性。藉由觀察材料的熱穩定性質、光學性質變化、電化學性質等,並製作有機電激發光元件,以探討材料的結構設計對元件發光效率的表現。熱性質因為咔唑和噁唑剛硬的結構,有高的玻璃轉移溫度和熱裂解溫度,顯示材料有良好的熱穩定性質;光學性質方面,材料吸收和放射光譜位在紫外光區或接近藍光區域,高的三重態能隙使能量可以有效傳遞至客發光體;電化學研究發現,材料具有良好的電洞傳遞特性,能階匹配元件製作所需的材料;電激發光元件摻混4wt%的Ir(ppy)3,有接近9000 cd/m2的亮度和13 cd/A的效率表現。


In this study, polymers containing pendant emitting groups are synthesized and used as host materials for polymer light emitting diodes. By free radical polymerization and controlling the feed ratio of monomers, we synthesize a series of homopolymers and copolymers containing pendant carbazole and oxadiazole groups. Carbazole has good hole-transporting characteristic and high triplet energy gap, and oxadiazole has good electron-transporting characteristic. The thermal stability, optical properties, electrochemical properties, and the electroluminescent performance are discussed. All the polymers show good thermal stability with high glass transition temperature and decomposition temperature due to their rigid structure. The UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence spectra show that the peaks are at ultraviolet region or near blue light region. The high triplet energy gap of polymers can efficiently assist energy transfer to the guest. The electrochemical behaviors reveal that the energy levels of polymers match the material used in devices. The best electroluminescent performance is 9000 cd/m2 and 13 cd/A with doped 4wt% Ir(ppy)3.


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