  • 學位論文


Examining the Long Tail Curve in the Mobile International Roaming Business: An Empirical Analysis on Taiwan’s Telecom Industry

指導教授 : 趙義隆博士


自電信自由化後,我國電信市場已邁向全面開放的階段,行動通信業務在歷經十年的蓬勃發展,以及主管機關採取寬鬆管制的監理原則下,儼然成為國家整體電信政策最為成功之應證。由於2G與3G業者的相互競爭,並開放號碼可攜服務的情況下,消費者充分享受到市場競爭後價廉與質高的通信服務。在競爭如此激烈的市場,用戶數已逐漸呈現飽和,台灣行動通信產業已正式邁入「微利時代」,業者莫不積極開發新服務,並針對既有服務擴展其利基空間,以達業者與消費者「雙贏」的局面。 傳統企業經營策略中,為使資源能充分使用在生產力或報酬率較高的部門,80/20法則普遍受到企業的運用;但根據Anderson所發現的「長尾理論」,在網路發展及搜尋成本降低的情況下,原先80/20法則的論理基礎產生了變動,他認為只要管道夠大,非主流與需求量小的商品,其銷量也能和主流與需求量大的商品相匹敵。 國際漫遊業務因性質上的緣故,在整體電信服務營收占比並不高,本非屬熱門商品之範疇,但透過「長尾理論」中形成長尾市場三股力量的分析,發現行動通信業務本身具有虛擬電子商務型態,得以提供純粹數位商品,使得庫存和配銷的邊際成本趨近於零,應證了「配銷工具大眾化」的條件;另藉由國際電信間的網路互連以及漫遊商業協議下,使得出境或入境漫遊者皆得透過推薦與搜尋方式使用原有之電信服務,亦應證「連結供給和需求」條件的存在。此外,經過分析Anderson認為建立長尾事業的九項原則,發現行動通信國際漫遊業務均已符合,足見國際漫遊業務確可適用於長尾理論。 經過本文研究發現,以稀少經濟思維運用「區隔、鎖定、定位」而擬定之事業策略方針,在面對網路科技產業快速變動下,似乎有所侷限或不足;相對的,我們可嘗試以豐富經濟的思維,直接提供消費者更多的選擇,並以消費者的行為調整行銷策略,如此始能確保企業經營的最大效益與長久發展。


Since 1996 Taiwan’s telecommunications market has been fully liberalized. The mobile communications business, which is vigorously developing for the past ten years and was regulated under the ‘light touch’ principle, has become the most successful model of the national telecommunication policy. With keen competition among 2G and 3G operators and number portability service, the mobile industry in Taiwan has been saturated and stepped into the “Little Profit Age”. Most mobile operators are seeking new models of service and expanding existing services, so as to achieve a win-win goal between service providers and users. To enable the resources adequately to be used in a high productive sector, the “80/20 Law” is usually adopted in conventional business. But based on the “Long Tail” found by Chris Anderson, the “80/20 Law” would probably be modified under the circumstances of Internet development and low cost of searching ways. He found that non-mainstream products can compete with the mainstream ones only if the big channels exist. The revenue of international roaming business is not as high as other sectors of telecommunications business; however, we found that the international roaming business meets the curve of Long Tail. After analyzing the three forces of forming a long-tail market, we discovered that international roaming itself is a virtual e-commerce to provide pure digital products for users and its marginal cost of inventory and marketing is nearly zero. In addition, the outbound or inbound roamers can easily use the roaming services through recommendation and searching machines under the structure of international interconnection and bilateral agreements. Besides, we also found that international roaming meets all nine principles of establishing a long-tail business that Anderson indicated. To confront the challenge of network industries, we cannot make a decision under the thinking of “economics of scarcity” by way of ‘segmentation, target and position’ to predict the result; in the contrary, we can use the “economics of abundance” to make everything available for consumers and help them find it. In that way, the business can earn the maximum benefit and long-lasting development.


Anderson, Chris, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More (Hyperion, 2006)
Hill, Charles W.L. & Gareth R. Jones, Strategic Management Theory (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 4th ed., 1998)
Koch, Richard, The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less (Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd, 1997)


