  • 學位論文


Research of Medium- and Small-Sized Hospital’s Marketing Strategy in Taiwan - Using Min-Sheng Hospital as an Example

指導教授 : 黃崇興


台灣近年來的醫療市場,呈現醫學中心與診所蓬勃發展,而中、小型醫院卻逐漸退出市場的趨勢,本研究希望替中、小型醫院在一片紅海之中找尋商機,利用行銷的差異化產生競爭優勢。   然而由於醫療產業本身的特性(資訊不對稱、服務結果嚴重性),使得一般民眾與政府對於「醫療行銷」相當排斥,加上台灣健保制度一路走來弊病不斷,將一部份原因歸因於「醫療行銷」,導致台灣法規對於「醫療行銷」的限制相當的嚴格,使得台灣中、小型醫院在「醫療行銷」的執行上擁有相當的難度。   本研究藉由個案研究法研究桃園敏盛綜合醫院,由桃園敏盛綜合醫院創院、擴張,及至後來形成獨立的行銷團隊,在各個時期以相適配的行銷模型加以分析,討論其優缺點,並提出具體的行銷建議,最後搭配服務行銷的金三角模型與哈佛個案中的研究結果,互相配合,提出中、小型醫院在面臨現有劣勢情形下,所應遵行的一整套行銷策略。   本研究目的包括: (1)探討醫療評鑑與各種品質構面對於中、小型醫院在「醫療行銷」上的影響; (2)以「服務業行銷」的觀點分析醫療市場的行銷方法(本論文著重於內部行     銷與互動行銷之討論,於外部行銷較少著墨); (3)探討中、小型醫院是否適於發展「品牌」,了解「品牌」對於中、小型醫      院的效益與成本。 (4)以本研究之結果,提供台灣中、小型醫院適當的「醫療行銷」方法,使得     台灣中、小型醫院得以永續發展。


Recently in Taiwan, the medium and small-sized hospitals are becoming fewer and fewer. This research tries to find out medium- and small-sized hospitals’ opportunity to differentiate from big hospitals and clinics and to find their ways to make money by using marketing strategies method. Because of the specialties of medical industry, customers and the government in Taiwan exclude “medical marketing” and therefore legislate against “medical marketing”, making it very difficult to implement. This research uses “case study” research method to analyze the marketing strategies of each period of the Min-Sheng Hospital by using proper marketing models to find out their pros and cons, build a marketing strategy model, and give medium- and small-sized hospitals marketing strategy suggestions. The purpose of this research is: 1. to probe into the effects of medical evaluations. 2. to analyze the medical marketing by using “service marketing” model. 3. to probe into the effect of “brand” and recognize the benefit and cost of the medium- and small-sized hospitals to develop their brand. 4. to use the results of this research to give the medium- and small-sized hospitals suggestions and make the medium- and small-sized hospitals in Taiwan to grow up and make money.


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