  • 學位論文


The Research of Business strategy of Touch Panel Industry in Taiwan: A Case Study of TPK

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 林嬋娟


台灣曾是全球觸控面板的主要生產、研發的重要據點。但如今,觸控產業已是一場兩岸的競爭,從產業、公司到人才,一點一滴,正加速的流動,這個台灣曾是第一名的產業,再一次,面臨著對岸全面撲殺的困境。 在陸廠科技追兵全面入侵臺灣地盤,台廠面臨技術、人才、訂單的流失危機的此時;臺灣該如何從這樣的困境中殺出一條自救的路? 本研究選擇了台灣觸控面板業的資優生-TPK,作為本研究的個案公司探討,TPK的興衰,希望藉由對TPK興衰的個案研究,探討在面對大陸廠商的群聚效應崛起的洪流,TPK該如何因應?也藉著分析TPK這些年的經營成果與模式,找出台灣觸控產業與TPK所面臨的困境與突破方式。 本研究主要係藉由探討觸控產業廠商,在其發展現狀中所面臨的困境與因應之策略,套用鑽石理論及五力分析理論之架構,深入探討產業結構與競爭優勢因素之關聯性,也希望藉著本研究所提出在觸控面板業的因應之法,可做為其他電子產業師法的因應之道。


Taiwan has once been the main focal point of global touch panel development and production. How could Taiwan touch panel manufacturers escape from the imminent threat posed by the Chinese counterparts, where they have advantage of first tier technology, people and customers? The aim of this study is to understand and analyze the case company TPK, being the global touch panel manufacturer leader, who originated from Taiwan, whose business strategy also reflected the chronicle of events of the Taiwan touch panel industry. The study further analyzed how TPK should respond to the pressure received from the global and Chinese markets, hoping to identify the threats and possible strategies that can be adopted by the touch panel industry. The study attempts to understand and analyze the touch panel industry by applying the Michael Porter Five Forces Analysis and the Diamond Model. The study also further analyzed the correlation between the industry structure and the competitive advantages thereof. The business strategies adopted by the case company provided possible solutions that could be referred by future studies on similar topics.


6. 台灣經濟研究院全球資訊網:http://www.tier.org.tw/
一、 中文文獻
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2. Robert M. Grant(2011),現代策略管理(第六版)(劉恆逸譯),台北市:華泰文化出版。(原著出版年:2007年)
