  • 學位論文


Health Risk Assessment of Disinfection By-Products and Pb In Drinking Water Distribution System

指導教授 : 林逸彬




消毒副產物 氯胺 風險評估


Chlorine is traditionally used to disinfect drinking water to prevent waterborne diseases but it can react with natural organic matter to form carcinogenic disinfection by products (DBPs). To reduce the formation of DBPs, chloramine has been used as an alternative disinfectant. Recent studies have reported that, however, chloramination may promote lead release from lead dioxide, a Pb(IV) corrosion product formed from the chlorination of lead pipe. Therefore, the reduced risk due to the suppression of DBPs formation and the increased risk associated with lead release need to be simultaneously considered when chloramine is used to replace chlorine for disinfection. This research investigates the formation of DBPs in chlorination/ chloramination and the possible lead release in chloramination in different scenarios to determine the overall carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks. Variables considered include reaction time, disinfectant concentration, pH value, total organic carbon concentration, and bromide concentration. It was found that carcinogenic risks resulting from DBPs formed from chlorination are generally higher than the combined carcinogenic risks resulting from DBPs formation and lead release when chloramine is used. The non-carcinogenic risks due to lead release, however, are much more important than those associated with DBPs. Particularly, when bromide is present, it promotes both DBPs formation and lead release and the risks are much higher than those in the absence of bromide. Chloramine can be used as an effective disinfectant to reduce DBPs formation. The non-carcinogenic risk due to lead release, however, needs to be evaluated and controlled to provide safe drinking water


行政院環境保護署,2011 年07 月,「健康風險評估技術規範」
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