  • 學位論文


Timber Industry in the Min River under the Qing

指導教授 : 陳國棟


木材不僅是傳統農業生產工具的重要資源,也是房屋建築、船舶等重要材料。福建是中國沿海的重要的木材產區,木材既是省內民眾賴以生存的物資,也是福州港輸出的重要商品。福建的木材主要集中在閩西、閩北山區,即閩江上游地區,因此本文以閩江流域作為研究範圍,以木材產業為研究課題,探究地區性木材產業興起的條件,由山區到港口木材貿易產業鏈的形構過程,因產業分工所形成的不同人群之間的競合關係,以民間不同群體的行為策略,藉此思考木材產業的特色。 根據本論文的研究可以得知:閩江流域木材貿易發展的條件,最主要的因素是有豐富的林木資源以及天然的交通運輸條件。資源除了因優越的自然條件造就的自然林資源外,明清時期福建已經開始普遍人工造林,從現存的山區契約文書也可以看出,山區農民的造林經營方式以及植樹以出售為目的的現象。閩江流域的木材除了可以依賴閩江的幹、支流進行運輸外,更有港口城市福州對木材起到集散的功能。這種一縱一橫的交通運輸條件為木材貿易發展提供了必要條件。閩江的木材產銷鏈是由木材產地、運輸過程、集散市場以及銷售市場四個環節來形構的。從地區層面來看,木材貿易的重要性,導致木材專業市場機構的興起、市場的組織關係日益完善。木材的產銷過程中會出現諸如治安、稅收名目多等問題。針對這些問題,民間的解決策略主要有兩種,一是藉助官府力量,二是自行解決。至於官府在木材貿易中的角色體現,其出發點是以維護社會穩定,以及維護官方利益為主。   從木材產業興起條件與產銷鏈的形構過程,可以發現木材產業的特色:與農耕作業的互補性、高利潤與高風險並存、季節性以及市場應變性。而木材產銷鏈上不同人群之間的行為選擇是構築在這個產業發展特色的基礎之上。


閩江流域 福建 木材產銷 福州 植樹造林


Timber is not only an important source of traditional farming tools, but also an essential material of house-building, shipbuilding and so on. Again, in Fujian, an important timber-producing area by China's coast, it serves not merely as an indispensable material that local people rely on for existence, but also as a major item of Foochow’s exports. Timber of Fujian mainly came from the northwest, the upstream area of River Min. This thesis takes the Min River Valley as the research area, and the timber industry as the research target, probes into the rising conditions of the regional timber industry, the structure of the industrial chain of the timber trade: from the mountainous area to the port, the competition and cooperation among people with different function according to the division of labor of industry, and the behavior strategies of different groups, and finally analyzes the characteristics of timber industry. According to this research, the development of timber trade in Min River Valley attributes to rich forest resources and natural transportation conditions. In addition to the superior natural conditions, artificial afforestation was practiced in Fujian during the Ming and Qing dynasties, which can be found in the extant contracts preserved in the mountain area, including the management mode of mountain farmers' afforestation and the phenomenon of planting trees for sale. Timber in the Min River Valley can be transported by the mainstream and branches of River Min, and Foochow serves as the collecting and distributing port of timber. They both provide favorable conditions for the development of timber trade. The timber production and marketing of the River Min Valley is formed in four steps: tree-felling, transportation dealer’s market, and consumer’s market. From the regional level, the importance of timber trade leads to the rise of professional market institutions, and the perfection of the market organization. In the process of production and transaction of timber, security and tax problems inevitably exist. For these problems, there are two main solutions, one is to solve with the help of the authorities, and the other is to take the matter into one’s own hands. As for the government's role in the timber trade, its fundamental concern is only to maintain social stability, as well as to well guard official interests. The characteristics of timber industry, such as complementarity of agricultural work, high profits with high risks, seasonality and market adaptability, can be found in the structure of timber industry. The behavior of the different groups of people in the timber production chain is duly affected by that structure.


壹、 中文部分
一、 史料
甲、 方志
