  • 學位論文


Bio-psycho-spiritual Adjustment and Resilience after Disaster: Can Gender Division of Housework and Family Decision-Making be Predictors?

指導教授 : 王麗容


災難是一根植於社會結構的社會現象,但性別這一個社會結構的批判性面向,在災難學術中卻一直處在邊緣化位置,且私領域性別權力結構對災變適應的影響這一類研究更是缺乏。因此,本研究主要採性別觀點的視野,從私領域的性別家務分工與家庭決策的性別權力不平等出發,檢視家務分工、家庭決策與災難適應與復原的關係。 本研究採面對面問卷調查法,並以分層抽樣方式,針對臺東縣大武鄉、臺東縣達仁鄉、臺東縣金峰鄉嘉蘭村、高雄縣桃源區、屏東縣泰武鄉、屏東縣牡丹鄉實際有災情村里之二十歲以上莫拉克颱風受災民眾進行調查,共計回收245份問卷,去除不適用的樣本,實際樣本為156份。主要發現如下: 一、 性別家務分工與災難適應與復原之相關情形: (一) 災前的性別家務分工狀況與災後生活適應與復原的關係: 1. 災難發生前受訪者的家務分工與災後整體身心靈適應確實有相關,而且此種相關不只是發生在災後緊急應變期(兩個月),也發生在調適期(災後約一年時)以及復原期(約災後兩年時)。這因子尤其對災後心理調適和人的靈性健康(對生命的看法)有顯著相關。 2. 若從性別來看,女性在災前若屬於傳統的性別化分工家庭,災後一年、 兩年的心理健康適應較差。這同樣也發生在男性身上,在災前越是傳統由女性負責家務的家庭,他們在調適期(災後一年)的心理健康以及所有三個階段適應期的靈性健康(對生命看法)適應也會較差。 (二) 災後性別家務分工狀況與災後生活適應與復原的關係: 1. 災後家務分工則與災後調適期(災後約一年時)以及復原期(約災後兩年時)的心理健康適應有相關,也與災後三個適應階段的靈性健康(生命想法)適應有相關。 2. 對男性而言,災後家務分工越傾向傳統由女性負責,其在災後三個階段適應的靈性健康(生命看法)適應就越差。 (三) 傳統女性負責、性別平權、男性負責這三個家務分工模式在災後適應與復原的差異情形: 受訪者災前家中的家務分工是傳統女性負責模式,其在災後調適期(災後約一年時)的心理健康適應,比男性負責的家務分工模式還要差。這樣的差異情形也發生在災後復原期(約災後兩年時)的靈性健康適應。亦即傳統由女性負責家務的家務分工模式,將不利於災後適應,尤其是心理調適和靈性健康。 二、 受訪者家庭決策與災難適應與復原之相關情形: (一) 家庭決策與災難適應與復原的關係: 1. 災前的家庭決策與災後三個適應階段的身心靈適應與復原力均無顯著相關。同樣地,災後的家庭決策模式與災後三個適應階段的身心靈適應與復原力亦無顯著相關。 2. 再從性別來看,不論是女性還是男性,家庭決策還是與災難身心靈適應與復原無相關。若從家庭決策的百分比基本資料來看,家庭決策整體上偏向性別平等的家庭決策模式,推測性別平等的家庭決策模式對男性和女性得災難適應與復原都是較為有利的。 (二) 傳統男性決策、性別平權、女性決策這三個家庭決策模式在災後適應與復原的差異情形: 不管災前還是災後,三種家庭決策模式在災後三個時間點的災難適應與復原,均沒有達到顯著差異,但在平均數得分的檢視上,仍可發現災前兩性平權的家庭決策模式在災後各時間點適應與復原是最佳的。 三、 災難適應與復原之預測因子分析: (一) 相較於非原住民族,原住民族災後整體身心靈適應較佳、生命看法較為正向、復原力亦較佳。 (二) 災後宗教信仰是影響災後身體健康適應的重要因素。 (三) 災前經濟足夠程度是影響調適期(災後一年)身體健康適應的重要因素;災後經濟足夠程度則是影響災後緊急應變期(兩個月)整體身心靈適應、身體健康和心理健康適應和復原力的因素;而災後每月平均收入是影響調適期(災後一年)、復原期(約災後兩年時)靈性健康(生命看法)適應的重要因素。 (四) 災前和災後家務分工均是預測災後三個時間點整體身心靈適應、心理健康適應、靈性健康(生命看法)適應、復原力的重要因素。 (五) 災前和災後家庭決策是預測復原力的重要因素。 據此研究結果,本研究從社會工作介入服務觀點和災難政策觀點提出建議,首先在社會工作介入服務觀點,助人工作者應具備性別與文化敏感度,提供性別與文化敏感的心理支持,為減輕女性家務分工與照顧負擔,在災區提供托育與喘息服務,協助女性走出家庭,試著投入社區重建,以及協助災區弱勢經濟者經濟充權;在政策面上,重建政策應納入原住民族需求與文化;在性別面上,則是發展具性別敏感度的災難政策,減輕女性災前與災後的家務工作與照顧負擔,使女性參與減災、備災、緊急應變以及重建復原的政策之中。


While disaster is a common society phenomenon, gender as a critical aspect in social structure lies in a margin position, and the influence of gender power structure in private sphere to disaster adjustment is insufficient. Therefore, this paper is going to explore the relationship between gender division of housework, family decision-making and adjustment and resilience via gender perspective about the inequality of gender power in gender division of housework and family decision-making. This study use face-to- face interview survey, and stratified sampling method to sample survivors of Typhoon Morakot, those who older than 20 years old and lives in Dawu township, Daren township in, Jialan Jinfeng township in Taitung County, Taoyuan Dist In Kaohsiung City, Taiwu township, Mudan Township in Pingtung County. Total of 245 participants were interviewed, but removed the unsuitable, finally, the actual sample is 156. Conclusion shows that, 1. The relationship between gender division of housework and disaster adjustment and resilience. (1) The relationship between the division of housework before disaster and disaster adjustment and resilience. i. The division of housework before disaster is significantly correlated to bio-psycho-spiritual adjustment after three time point of disaster. This factor is particularly significantly related to post-disaster psycho- adjustment and spiritual-adjustment. ii. To women, if her family household is traditional wife-responsible in the pre-disaster, her psycho-adjustment after one and two year of the disaster should be poorer; to men, if his family household is traditional wife-responsible in the pre-disaster, his psycho-adjustment after one year of the disaster should be poorer, and spiritual-adjustment after three time point of disaster should be poorer. (2) The relationship between the division of housework after disaster and disaster adjustment and resilience. i. The division of housework after disaster is significantly correlated to psycho-adjustment after one and two year of the disaster, and spiritual-adjustment after three time point of disaster. ii. To men, if his family household is traditional wife-responsible in the pro-disaster, his spiritual-adjustment after three time point of disaster should be poorer. (3) The difference between traditional wife-responsible housework model, gender equality housework model, and husband-responsible housework model on disaster adjustment and resilience. When the participant’s housework model is the wife-responsible housework model, the psycho-adjustment after one year of the disaster and the spiritual-adjustment after two year of the disaster, is worth than husband-responsible housework model. In other words, the traditional wife-responsible housework model will make psycho-adjustment and spiritual-adjustment poorer. 2. The relationship between family decision-making and disaster adjustment and resilience. (1) Family decision-making before and after the disaster is not correlated to bio-psycho-spiritual adjustment and resilience. (2) Whether female or male, family decision-making is not correlated to bio-psycho-spiritual adjustment and resilience. Look at the percentage of family decision-making, the family decision-making is gender equality model. Therefor we suggest that gender equality family decision-making model is good for disaster adjustment and resilience. (3) Both of before and after the disaster, three family decision-making model all have no significant difference in disaster adjustment and resilience. But in the view of the average score, gender equality family decision-making model is good for disaster adjustment and resilience. 3. The circumstance of respondents in demographic characteristics, disaster expose and disaster adjustment and resilience. (1) The disaster bio-psycho-spiritual adjustment , spiritual-adjustment and resilience after the disaster of aborigine is better than non-aborigine. (2) Religion after the disaster is an important factor to influence bio- adjustment. (3) Economic sufficient before the disaster is an important factor to influence psycho-adjustment after one year of the disaster; Economic sufficient after the disaster is an important factor to influence bio-psycho-spiritual adjustment, bio-adjustment, psycho-adjustment after two month of the disaster; Average monthly income after the disaster is an important factor to influence spiritual-adjustment after one and two year of the disaster. (4) Division of housework before and after the disaster is an important factor to predict the bio-adjustment, psycho-adjustment, spiritual-adjustment and resilience in three time point. (5) Family decision-making is an important factor to predict resilience. Based on research findings, this paper will give advice in terms of social work intervention services and disaster policy perspective. In terms of social work intervention services perspective, the helping worker should possess the sensitivity of gender and culture, provide the gender and culture inclusive mental support, offer childcare service and respite care service to reduce women’s housework and care burden and pressure, help women to participate the community, and empower economic vulnerable people. In terms of disaster policy perspective, disaster recovery policy must bring in Taiwan's aboriginal peoples’ need and culture, As for the gender aspect, the disaster policy of gender sensitivity must be developed. In this way, women’s housework and care burden can be reduce, and women can participate in mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery policy.




何承容(2013)。接受合併化學及放射線治療之食道癌患者調適影響之研究- 復原力作用的綜合探討〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2013.2013.00159
