  • 學位論文


Health-Promoting Lifestyles and the Related Factors among Metabolic Syndrome Patient in OPD

指導教授 : 黃璉華


本研究旨在瞭解門診代謝症候群患者的健康促進生活型態,並探討其人口學特性、自覺健康狀況、健康行為自我效能與健康促進生活型態的關係和健康促進生活型態的重要預測因子。本研究採橫斷式問卷調查,以台北某教學中心醫院代謝內分泌科門診的代謝症候群患者為研究對象,使用人口學資料表、自覺健康狀況量表、健康行為自我效能量表及健康促進生活型態量表,經由研究者訪談或受試者自行填答的方式收集資料,有效問卷共100份。資料收集完畢後,以SPSS 18.0電腦統計套裝軟體進行資料建檔與分析,分析方法包括描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關檢定或斯皮爾曼等級相關係數、薛費氏事後檢定或Tamhane事後檢定、逐步迴歸分析。研究結果如下: 一、門診代謝症候群患者健康促進生活型態總量表標準化得分為55.09,各分層面以營養得分最高,其他依序為壓力處理、人際支持、自我實現和運動,健康責任為最低;健康行為自我效能各層面以健康責任得分最高,其次依序為運動和營養,心理安適為最低;門診代謝症候群患者對健康的自評結果介於稍差和普通之間。 二、影響門診代謝症候群患者健康促進生活型態之相關因素,在人口學特性方面,教育程度、婚姻狀況和社經地位皆與健康促進生活型態呈顯著正相關,健康行為自我效能與健康促進生活型態亦呈現顯著正相關,而自覺健康狀況則在健康促進生活型態自我實現層面有顯著正相關。 三、門診代謝症候群患者健康促進生活型態的有效預測因子為健康行為自我效能、教育程度和婚姻狀況,共可解釋62.7%的總變異量,其中健康行為自我效能為最強的預測因子,而健康行為自我效能各分層面中,又以健康責任層面的健康行為自我效能對健康促進生活型態的預測力最高。 醫護人員應提供多元的健康促進活動,特別是健康責任方面,以提升門診代謝症候群患者的健康促進生活型態。本研究結果可作為醫護人員未來發展代謝症候群患者健康促進計畫之參考。


The purposes of this study was to understand the metabolic syndrome patient’s health-promotion lifestyles, and to explore the relationships among the demographic characteristics, perceived health status, perceived self-efficacy, and health-promoting lifestyles, and the predictive factors of the health-promoting lifestyles. A cross-sectional design was adopted and the subjects were metabolic syndrome patients from the outpatient department (OPD) of Metabolism and Endocrinology in a medical center hospital in Taipei city. The research instruments included demographic characteristics, perceived health status, health self-efficacy scale, and health-promoting lifestyle profile. The data were collected via face-to-face interviews or self-reported by structured questionnaires, and the effective questionnaires were 100. The data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0, the method of analyzed included descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation or Spearman’s correlation, Scheffe’s posterior comparison or Tamhane’s posterior comparison, and stepwise multiple regression. The major results of this study were as follows: 1. The mean score of overall health-promoting lifestyles was 55.09. The highest score was on the aspect of the nutrition, followed by stress management, interpersonal support, self-actualization, exercise, and the lowest score was the health responsibility. In the self-efficacy of health behavior, the highest score was the health responsibility, followed by exercise, nutrition and the lowest was psychological wellness. As to the perceived health status, most subjects considered their health status being bad or normal. 2. In the demographic characters, the factors influencing the health-promoting lifestyles of the metabolic syndrome patients were education, marital status and socioeconomic status. The self-efficacy of health behavior was significantly positive correlated with the health-promoting lifestyles, and perceived health status also presented significantly positive relation with the aspect of the self-actualization in the health-promoting lifestyle. 3. The education, marital status and self-efficacy of health behavior were the significant predictors, and explained 62.7% of the variance of health-promoting lifestyles. The self-efficacy of health behavior was the strongest predictor, and the aspect of health responsibility has the highest predictive power than other aspect in the self-efficacy of health behavior. Medical professionals should provide metabolic syndrome patient with multiple and comprehensive activities of health promoting, especially in the aspect of health responsibility. The results of this study could provide guidelines for medical professionals about the development of health promotion program for the metabolic syndrome patients.


