  • 學位論文


A Study on the Competitive Factors of Bicycle Industrial Cluster in Da-Chia Area

指導教授 : 林建元


1980年代自行車產業出口大量擴張,造就了當時台灣成為「自行車製造王國」,隨著時代演進與經濟情勢改變,台灣自行車產業從過去製造導向漸漸地步入微笑曲線的兩端-全球運籌及創新研發,自行車產業從面對國內市場角力提升到國外市場競爭,尤其在中國大陸低成本生產要素競爭之下,大甲地區的自行車產業群聚仍能維持一定的生產能量,顯示大甲地區自行車產業仍具一定的競爭優勢,值得探討。 本研究首先就台灣自行車產業發展歷程加以介紹,分析自行車產業發展的過去,如何從傳統產業發展限制逐步透過策略、合作、競爭與升級方式增加競爭優勢,成為具國家競爭力的自行車產業。研究範圍聚焦於中部大甲地區,由於中部地區自行車產業就廠家數、產值、零組件鏈等,整體發展規模優於北部與南部。運用空間分佈資料進行統計分析、問卷調查與質性訪問方式,並配合Porter(1990)所提出的鑽石理論探討下列問題: 1.大甲地區自行車產業之空間群聚現象如何?分析自行車產業發展上下游之間的關係,並經由產業垂直分工與零件供應鏈的結構,探討自行車產業發展之特性。並導入地理空間概念,分析自行車各產業與空間群聚之關係,瞭解自行車產業空間群聚的現象。 2.群聚優勢何以在大甲地區產生?政府在群聚發展的過程中如何促使競爭優勢產生,而企業又如何運用群聚優勢,創造創新研發的生產環境。 研究顯示大甲地區自行車產業的空間群聚現象以幼獅工業區周圍廠商群聚最為顯著,其產值、協力廠商交流程度與創新研發的能力皆優於地區內的其他群聚點。利用Porter(1990)群聚優勢理論與Krugman(1991)群聚內訊息外溢造就外部效益,兩者均可有效地解釋該群聚的競爭優勢。目前大甲地區自行車產業所面臨的挑戰為:地方政府對自行車產業發展協助有限、中部學校單位的研究機構在承接科專計畫且協助企業創新方面的效果並不顯著、現階段專業人才投入形成結構斷層等課題。此外,本研究建議未來可進一步針對該群聚廠商與科技人員之間的社會互動網絡加以分析。


The bicycle industry in Taiwan has begun to expand its exports from 1980's and it had made Taiwan as "the Kingdom of bicycle manufacturing." Along with the changes of economic situation, however, the bicycle industry has gradually moved from manufacturing-orientation to both ends of the Smile Curve--the global strategy and innovation development. From wrestling in the domestic market to compete in the global market, especially the competition of lower production cost in China, the existence of bicycle industrial cluster in Da-Chia implies that the Taiwanese bicycle industry still enjoys certain competitive advantage worth of investigation. This research examines the development process of Taiwanese bicycle industry firstly, then try to analyse how it can break the limitation of the traditional industry, increasing its competitive advantages through strategies, cooperation, competition to become an industry with national competitive advantages. The study area is targeted at the middle area of Da-Chia, because the factory numbers, production value, the components chain of the middle area outnumbers the north and south area. From the spatial distribution of factories, we use the statistical analysis of spatial distribution data, questionnaire, qualitative research, and together with the Diamond Theory proposed by Porter (1990) to answer the following questions: 1.What is the spatial distribution of bicycle industry cluster in Da-Chia area? We analyze the relation between stream-up and stream-down of bicycle industry, and explore the characteristic of bicycle industry development by the structure of the vertical integration and supply chain of the industry. In order to understand the phenomenon of the bicycle industrial cluster, we introduce the concept of geographical space to analyze the relation between the sub-industry and space agglomeration. 2.Why did the cluster emerge in Da-Chia area? How government urged the competitive advantage emerging in the developmental process, and how enterprises made use of the cluster advantage to create a productive and innovative environment. This research has confimed that bicycle industry has significantly clustered in Da-Chia area with certain competitive advantage. In terms of production value, the degree of cooperation, and the ability of R&D, the cluster around Youth Industrial Park surpasses any other clusters in the area and has the most obvious cluster effect, which quotes Porter’s cluster advantage theory and Krugman’s information spillover effect. Currently, the bicycle industry in Da-Chia area has encountered challenges including: limited assistances for bicycle industry by local government, insignificant devotion in middle area schools to accomplish science & technology projects and to foster enterprises innovation, and the structural faults of human resource inputs. It is suggested that the social interaction among firms and technology labors in the Da-Chia industrial cluster should be further studied in the future.




張靖志(2007)。運用探針車與空間分析方法於市區道路服務水準評估之研究 -以桃園縣蘆竹鄉中正路至南崁路路段為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.02073
