  • 學位論文


Automation of Contingency Analysis for SPS

指導教授 : 劉志文


為了防止類似729大停電事故再次發生,台電公司除落實電力系統的基礎建設,也進行特殊保護系統(Special Protection System, SPS)的規劃與設計以強化系統對擾動的免疫力。 所擬建置的特殊保護系統採用事件驅動(event-based)方式,其動作機制係偵測系統發生的事件,如輸電線或發電機跳脫事故,接下來由決策中心依對照表(look-up table)所設定之矯正措施送出控制訊號。 建置對照表或更新其設定值皆需進行大量的偶發事故分析,若以全台系統為考量,偶發事故案例數目將達24萬個之譜。為因應大規模模擬需求,本研究以PSS/E (Power System Simulator for Engineering)模擬軟體為基礎,提出偶發事故搜尋機制與前置轉換介面的概念,並開發程式以實現自動化偶發事故案例設計與模擬。經由與傳統人工作業方式效能比較的結果證實此自動化技術可以節省10倍以上時間,有效縮短SPS偶發事故分析時程,提高模擬效率。


In order to avoid a major blackout occurring again such as the 729 event, besides accomplishing the basic infrastructure completely, Taipower plans to implement the Special Protection System (SPS) to enhance the power system immunity to disturbances. The event-based SPS used in Taiwan issues controls based on look-up tables which are constructed in an event-correction or if-then form. Following a contingency, the SPS takes the action that matches the event indicated from the look-up tables to mitigate disturbances and successive effects immediately. A lot of contingency analyses are necessary for constructing and revising the look-up tables. There will be more than 240000 contingencies cases considering the whole Taiwan power system. In the thesis, the software called Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) is used as the simulation tool and automatic techniques are developed to meet the requirement for large analyses. The techniques realized with a program demonstrate a great time-saving advantage compared to the traditional man-made work. The automation of contingency analysis for SPS speeds up the simulation process and improves the efficiency.


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