  • 學位論文


The Cross-strait Civic Course: The Taiwan Experiences of Exchange Students from China

指導教授 : 張錦華 朱賜麟


2010年8月,立法院臨時會通過陸生三法修正案,開放大陸學生來台灣就讀大專院校。最快在2011年9月,就會有首批大陸學生註冊入學。 2009年,2888位大陸學生以交換學生的方式,成為陸生來台的前鋒,體驗寶島生活。本深度報導訪問25位大陸交換學生,從社會觀察、校園生態、歷史反思、政治氛圍等面向勾勒陸生的台灣經驗。在陸生眼中,溫暖的人情味和多元文化活力,讓台灣充滿魅力,讓「和諧」真正體現於日常生活之中。校園裡,當刻苦陸生遇上澹定台生,兩方差異立見──台灣年輕人快樂、率性;大陸年輕人目標明確、競爭力強。個性與所處環境不同,使得兩岸社團與學生會運作差異,反映兩岸社會與政治的縮影。陸生在台灣,也反思歷史與未來──接收另一種歷史詮釋觀點,挖掘在大陸被禁絕的資訊,傾聽台灣民眾的真實聲音。他們為了價值判斷而感到困惑,雖然還無法下結論,但努力拼湊自己的真相,不再一味接受官方版本,本身就是一種價值與意義。最後,他們靠近政治──感受台灣的全民政治氛圍,也感受台灣人對於民主政治的複雜情緒。從大國家、小民眾的中國大陸,來到大民眾、小國家的台灣,他們感慨,台灣人活得比較真實,可以自己影響政治。 本報導將陸生的台灣經驗定位為一堂「跨海公民課」。陸生從兩岸媒體呈現政治人物形象的差異,以及台灣社會各種聲音與多元文化爭相展現,對台灣公民意識有相當程度體認。而許多陸生在台灣,也親身參與公民論壇對話、政治與社會活動,涵養公民意識。


In August 2010, the Taiwanese legislature has passed amendments to three laws, providing mainland students the accesses to Taiwanese colleges. Mainland students will be able to attend Taiwan universities starting from this September. In 2009, 2888 mainland students who observed and learned the style of living in Taiwan in the name of education exchanges, are the pioneers of mainland students studying in Taiwan. This in-depth reporting has interviewed 25 exchange students from mainland China, drawing the pictures of their Taiwan experiences in 4 aspects, including society, campus, history, and politics. They consider Taiwan as “charming” because of its multiculturalism and the warmth shown by its residents, which bring “harmony” to Taiwanese daily life. On campus, there are a lot of contrasts between calm Taiwanese and diligent mainland students: the former happy and act by nature while the latter aggressive, and act with clear targets. The operation of clubs in Taiwan and mainland campus reflects the differences of politics and society across Taiwan Strait, like a mirror. In Taiwan, mainland students think about history and future, accept another point of view about historical events, and search for information banned by China authorities. At the same time, they listen to the voice from Taiwanese people. Although they are confused with value judgment and can’t draw the conclusions, they attempt to gather the truth instead of simply accepting the version of authorities, which is meaningful itself. Last but not least, they not only get themselves immersed in the political atmosphere in Taiwan, but also feel that the Taiwanese have quite complex emotions about the concept of “democracy.” From “big government, small society” of mainland China to “small government, big society” of Taiwan, they admire that Taiwanese live in a more “real” life and can influence politics. This in-depth reporting considers those Taiwan experiences of students from China as a lesson of “cross-strait civic course”. Mainland students have experienced democratic citizenship in Taiwan from different images of cross-trait politicians and multiculturalism. They also have cultivated a sense of citizenship by attending to various civic talks, social and political activities.


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林家伶(2014)。陸生來臺就讀研究所意願之敘事探究─ 北京大學個案分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02435
