  • 學位論文


Maintenance cost and budget for University buildings

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


由於建築物之工程生命週期,均僅著重於規劃設計階段,對於維護管理階段卻往往不視見其重要性,因此導致建築物於後期之營運階段,不但無任何之管理維護機制作為執行策略之外,相對接踵而至的卻是ㄧ筆筆為數龐大的維護修繕費用,特別是學校機關之建築物長年飽受此苦所困擾,但卻不視見其相關專責單位有所因應機制產生;再者,由於近年來教育部之財政經費日漸萎縮的狀況下,相對於學校機關之補助款項亦有逐年降低之趨勢,以致於在校舍維護修繕費用的分配上,即產生費用分配不均的現象;因此,限於經費短缺與設施老舊、維護費用之需求逐年攀升的狀況下,除了如何妥善分配固定額度的維護經費外,並應訂定出相關的補助編列準則,已嚴然成為當前迫切且必要之課題,亦為治本之基礎所在。 由於教學大樓為校園建築中最為基本的單位建物,視其使用性質而言,亦為不可或缺之,因此本論文著手規劃將學校建築之維護管理階段作為研究主軸,並以台灣大學總校區內RC構造之教學大樓為研究母體,分別包括普通教室(屋齡14年)、共同教室(屋齡24年)、綜合教室(屋齡34年)及新生大樓(屋齡42年)等;除蒐集與彙整其歷年之維護修繕資料外,並透過量化統計的方式進行歸納及整理,且配合參考相關領域之專家意見,進而透過生命週期之成本分析,針對預防維護、事後維護及改良維護等三種維護管理類型進行類比與分析;並配合複迴歸與倒傳遞類神經網路(Back-propagation network ,BPN)等數理分析方法來建構預測維護修繕成本模式之雛形,其主要除考量建物屋齡、樓層數及電梯裝設等自變數外,進而推估出教學大樓歷年所需之單位維護費用(即為本研究之應變數),最後並訂定出維護修繕經費之合理編列標準,除作為提供教育部編列預算與相關工程執行單位之參考依據外,並可有效落實與規劃出建築物維護修繕策略之擬定方案與準則。


The financial budgets for the ministry of education have been cut down therefore causing the reduction of the subsidies every year for the universities. This result in the uneven distribution of the budget for maintaining the school building. As time passed by the aged school buildings causing the requirement of the maintenance fee to rise, how to make the best distribution of the limited maintenance budget be an significant issue. Traditionally, universities emphasis only on the planning and designing stage of the construction life-cycle and ignore the importance of the maintenance management, which cause no maintenance management mechanism for the enforcement strategy and enormous amount of the maintenance fee in the later operation stage of the construction. Especially the school buildings have painfully long been plagued; there is still no resolution for the situation yet. Instructional building is the most basic building in the campus and it is indispensable. Therefore the study focuses on the maintenance management stage of school campus buildings and the RC structure instructional buildings in the National Taiwan University campus, including the General Courses Bldg. (house-age is 14 years); Common Courses Bldg. (house-age is 24 years); General purpose Bldg. (house-age is 34 years); Sin Sheng Bldg. (house-age is 42 years). By research in the maintenance or repair information over the years and through the help of statistical quantization; expert opinion; life-cycle cost analysis. The study carries out an analog analysis, prevention maintenance; post maintenance and improvement maintenance, for theses three types of maintenance management. More over, the multiple regression analysis and the back-propagation artificial neural network (BPN) are used to set a cost model for the predicting the maintenance cost. The year-age of the building; building storey and elevator facilities are used as the independent variables to estimate the maintenance cost (dependant variables) for the instructional building over the years. The study helps to set a legitimate standard for arranging the repair maintenance costs and will not only help the Ministry of Education in its future budget arrangement for maintaining the school campus buildings, but also draw out a plan and standard for repair maintenance strategy of the structures.




