  • 學位論文


Exploring Business Networks: The Cooperative Strategy and Firms’ Positioning

指導教授 : 蔣明晃


首先,利用分類法,對企業網絡進行分類,由核心公司本身與其上下游力量之關係,劃分成四種關係型態:(1) 上游網絡強勢、(2) 核心公司強勢、(3)下游網絡強勢、及(4) 核心公司弱勢。接下來,針對這四種分類型態,依照不同的網絡層級(上游網絡層、上游網絡層、核心公司層及整體網絡層等四層),進行情境分析以便深入探討各種企業網絡的結構與特性。最後,發展企業網絡策略,在這企業網絡情境分析情境上,需要一個理論為根礎。究竟何種競爭優勢是源自於網絡環境?或何種策略理論的分析是以網絡環境為主,所幸,關係觀點(Dyer & Singh, 1998)為此提供了一個很好的理論根礎。本研究利用企業網絡的特性以及關係觀點的理論根礎,提出了四個策略方針:專屬性投資、知識分享慣例、互補性能力與資源,以及網路地位,並依此策略方針,以核心公司為立場,針對其上游供應商網絡及下游客戶網絡發展相對應的策略。 深入的探索企業網絡從關係型態、情境分析,到策略後,接下來的問題是:在這企業網絡環境中,公司屬於何種企業網絡型態?公司如何瞭解本身的地位?其他公司的地位?「知己知彼,百戰不殆」,唯有瞭解本身定位、所處的網絡關係型態、情境,回應適合的企業網絡策略,方能達成競爭優勢。相同地,在這複雜交織的網絡關係中,公司間彼此有著不同直接或間接的力量相關連,且層層疊疊相互作用。這樣的情況下判斷所有公司的地位並非易事。為解決此問題,本論文分析企業網絡中公司間複雜的力量相互作用,發展一量化的企業網絡地位評估方法。此方法不但可對每間公司的地位進行量化分析,更可瞭解公司本身所屬的企業網絡型態及定位。


企業網絡 策略 地位 情境 關係 關係觀點 定位 力量


Firms require strategic actions to successfully respond to competition within their business networks. The business network is a complicated network model and its specific context depends on the relationships among network members. However, developing strategy under such circumstances is not straightforward; rather, it is built through a series of systematic analyses. To that end, this study first classifies business networks into four types regarding the role of the focal firm relative to its suppliers and buyers: (1) upstream network dominance, (2) focal firm dominance, (3) focal firm obedience, and (4) downstream network dominance. Once the types are determined, the context of each type is analyzed further at the upstream level, the focal firm level, the downstream level, and the whole network level. The context analyses offer a better understanding of network circumstances. However, what are the advantage sources of the network environment, and how does one develop strategy in such complex network circumstances? The relational view (Dyer & Singh, 1998) proposes a strong theoretical support. Based on the relational view and context analyses, our study develops the strategy of business networks for the focal firm both upstream and downstream in the following areas: relation-specific assets, knowledge-sharing routines, complementary resources and capabilities, and network position. After completing the business network strategy, the questions now arise, how to identify the type of business network, how to identify firm’s position and other network members’ position, how to positioning the firm itself in business network? Identifying the firms’ positions is difficult when the firms facing complex and multilateral network relationships. Therefore, this study propose a quantitative method, applying graph theory to depict the positions in a matrix showing relative dominance, to measure a firm’s position in business networks. The advantageous/disadvantageous positions of each firm can be ranked, compared, and represented by quantitative values. Furthermore, managerial interpretation can be used to distinguish the direct or indirect competitive relations of firms, and generate a whole picture of business networks. Finally, integrating the firm’s positioning and the business network strategy benefit the firm to achieve competitive advantage.


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