  • 學位論文

中小型資訊電子代工廠經營策略之探討– 以電腦週邊之鍵盤與滑鼠產業為例

A Study on Business Strategy of Medium and Small Manufacturing Service Firms – Taking Mouse and Keyboard Products in the Computer Peripheral Industry as Example

指導教授 : 趙義隆


台灣的資訊電子產業絕大部分都是以代工為主的經營型態,中小型的代工廠商長期以來面對產業內大型代工廠的擠壓,加上產業外EMS大廠的覬覦、消費市場的千變萬化、大型關鍵零組件供應商的予取予求、更多中小型代工廠同業的陸續進入等等的挑戰,這些中小型代工廠商身處於什麼樣的產業環境?他們有那些經營上的困境?可以採取那些經營管理的對策?是本論文所探討的三個主要議題。 本研究藉由文獻探討、產業分析以及個案研究中探討歸納出阻礙中小型代工廠生存及發展的要因,再運用「比較法」由要因分析直接推導出五個「中小型代工廠企業經營之關鍵成功因素」:(1)建立以核心能耐為基礎的差異化競爭優勢;(2)打造一個具競爭力的優秀團隊;(3)落實專案管理,成功執行每一個新產品開發案;(4)痛定思痛,破除「低價一定伴隨低品質」的迷思;(5)有效管控組織與產能之擴充。研究發現五個中小型代工廠企業經營之關鍵成功因素呈現了「內部因素」重於「外部因素」的現象。最後除了對個案分析對象提出研究建議,為彌補企業經營管理廣度上可能之不足,再以麥肯錫的7S架構 (McKinsey 7S framework):策略、結構、系統、風格、員工、技能、共同價值觀與終極目標,逐一提出幾個論點與解決方案,作為對中小型代工廠經營策略探討之補充研究建議。


Most of the firms in Taiwan IT industry are mainly taking manufacturing service as their main business model, for a long time the medium and small size firms among them are facing several different challenges in the industry, such as the business pressure from the leading large manufacturing service firms, EMS(Electronic Manufacturing Service) giants are coveting after acquiring them, the rapid evolving consumer market is adding complexity toward their daily business, key component suppliers are not necessarily under their control, plus more and more competitors are entering the competition. What exactly the business environment these medium and small firms are within? What kinds of difficult positions they are encountering? And what are the possible business strategies they can apply? These are the three main topics to be discussed in this study. The thesis was probing into the key factors which block those medium and small manufacturing service firms from survival and growth by using the research data from literature review, the industry analysis and case studies, then converting those key blocking factors directly into the key successful factors (KSF) of business management for medium and small manufacturing service firms by using the “comparison method”. Five KSF’s were identified: (1) Build up own core competence based differentiation competitive advantages. (2) Establish a highly competitive superior team. (3) Reinforce project management and ensure every new product development will be a success. (4) Proactively learn from those painful field return lessons and eliminate the delusion of “low cost must be coupled with low quality”. (5) Be capable to effectively control the factory and capacity expansion. The study discovers that among the five KSF’s for medium and small manufacturing service firms, the “internal factors” are more important than those “external factors”. Lastly, in addition to provide some research suggestions to those case study firms in this thesis, in order to ensure the study can cover wider scope of business management, the last part of the thesis used McKinsey 7S framework: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Style, Staff, Skills, Shared value/Superordinate goals, to provide more supplementary research suggestions and wishing that these suggestions can eventually be some good references on business strategy for those medium and small manufacturing service firms.


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