  • 學位論文


Typology and Analysis of Business Model-Resource-Based View Perspective

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 陳忠仁


過去台灣的製造產業目前以OEM及ODM兩種經營模式為主,藉由優勢的營運能力吸引國外大廠委託製造。隨著代工的利潤越來越被稀釋,許多企業也開始思索是否應轉型為自有品牌的公司,經營模式策略的選擇便逐漸成為企業關注的課題之一。本研究彙整過去學者對於經營模式的文獻,由過去的理論整理出一個分析的框架,再以廠商本身擁有的資源以及能力出發,去探討可能會影響廠商最適經營模式的不同構面。以資源基礎的觀點來分析經營型態相異的廠商,其資源或者能力上有什麼顯著的差異,並且試著去歸納出這些資源或能力的不同是如何影響廠商的經營模式?除此之外, 而企業擁有這些資源與能力後, 其經營模式會受到怎麼樣的影響?本研究將根據企業擁有的能力,把企業的經營類型分成四種類型,並透過個案研究的方式,去探討企業經營模式關鍵的成功因素,提供給後進企業足以借鏡之處。本研究的主要研究目的如下: 1. 探討企業經營模式的類型,瞭解不同模式的差異之處。 2. 結合不同理論基礎,提出一個兼具實務與學術價值的經營模式分析架構。 3. 藉由個案研究的方式,探討不同經營模式,在各個不同的衡量變數下做法之差異,作為企業選擇經營模式類型的參考。 本研究藉由過去文獻對於經營模式的探討,整理出了本研究的經營模式研究架構,以五大構面來探討經營模式,分別為:「價值定位」、「資源能耐」、「關係資本」、「企業建置」、「策略選擇」。再結合資源基礎的觀點,列出不同構面下的衡量變數,以分析不同經營模式的作法差異。接著,本研究選擇了4間在各自產業中獲得成功的公司,透過實際案例的檢視與比較,更能夠了解這4種不同類型的經營模式異同之處。最後,本研究建議企業應謹慎衡量自身核心能力,選擇適合的經營類型,並且學習實務上的成功典範,調整其經營模式的架構,使得台灣企業得以在國際的舞台上嶄露頭角。


Recently, most of manufacturing firms in Taiwan choose OEM or ODM business model because of their excellent operating capability. However, with the profit of Contract Manufacturing mode being diluted slightly, many firms start to consider whether they should choose branding strategy or not. Therefore, the strategy of business model has become a very important issue nowadays. This study attempts to fill the gap in the literature by providing an integrative research framework through extensive literature review to identify the key determinants to examine the difference between various types of business model. Based on core competence perspective, this study constructs a topologic model with two major core competence: Technology capability and Market capability, and bring out four varieties of business model: contract manufacturing, product design, value integration, and brand focusing. thus, the 2X2 matrix and construct were developed and then examined through four case studies. By literature review of business model, this study develops five important determinants including Value Positioning, Resource Competence, Relationship Capital, Corporation Implementation and Strategic decision. Complying with the view of resource dependence and several literatures about core competence, the construct built up completely. Hence, we could use the construct to measure four different strategic decision . This study suggests that firms should measure their core competence carefully, and choose the moderate business mode for their own. Then, adjust their content of business model by learning from best practice of four successful cases in order to stand out in the world stage.


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黃怡婷(2011)。以共演化觀點探討企業經營模式的轉變- 以一生命禮儀廠商為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.01844
