  • 學位論文


Constructing a Competitive Business Model from the Perspective of Innovation

指導教授 : 劉志明


摘要 在知識經濟的時代裡,由於環境的變動快速,使得企業面臨持續的競爭壓力,再加上資本與技術越來越容易取得,以及產品相關技術、經濟規模與相關法規等傳統資源,對企業的影響正逐漸式微。在高度競爭壓力與環境變動之下,如何創造較佳的績效便成為企業經營的首要課題,企業制定競爭策略的目的也在於此。 彼得杜拉克曾說:「每個組織的核心能力都不一樣;但是,所有組織都需要的核心能力是創新,而且所有組織都需要設計出記錄及評估其創新績效的方法。」由此可見,創新對於企業之重要性。 本研究最主要的成果包括: (1) 以一個系統性及全面性的看法來建立企業鑽石競爭模式,主要包含事業基礎面、經營模式構面和市場構面,可供企業瞭解企業本身競爭優勢及方案評估比較之參考。(2)從創新的觀點建立一個適用於企業的經營模式,並以大立光的個案及其產業競爭對手之間的競爭為例來說明經營模式的應用。 本研究強調事業經營觀念是整套的。任何企業都有其經營模式,都應該可以用一個共通的架構來描述。而經營觀念的創新更是代表整套經營模式的與眾不同,而非只是針對現有經營模式的某個要素進行線性的創新,而要更系統化與整合化來提昇競爭力。 關鍵字:策略、創新、策略理論、經營模式、競爭優勢、理論模型


DISSERTATION ABSTRACT Graduate Institute of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management National Tsing Hua University NAME: Hung, Wan-Cheng ADVISOR:Professor Liu, Chih-Ming Date: June, 2006 Constructing a Competitive Business Model from the Perspective of Innovation In current knowledge economy age, the environment change is so fast that an enterprise always needs to face the increasing competition pressure. In addition, since the capital and the technology are easier to obtain, the impact of technology, economic scale and relevant regulation on an enterprise are declining gradually. Under the intensive competition pressure and the fast environmental change, the problem of how to create a better performance enterprise has become a very important subject of study. The purpose for an enterprise to find a competitive strategy is part of the solution to the above problem. Peter F. Drucker said : “The core competence of every organization is different, how ever, the essential core competence of all organizations is innovation. All organizations have to develop the methods to record and measure how the performance of innovation.” So innovation and its measurement are very important for an enterprise. There are two main contributions of this research. One is the construction of a diamond competition model of an enterprise from the system and integration views. It includes three major elements: business base, business model and market .The other is the construction of a business model from the perspective of innovation for an enterprise ,and applied it to a company in Taiwan called Largan.com. In this research, it emphasizes that the business operation concept should be viewed as a whole. Any enterprise has its own business model, but it can be described by using a common framework. The innovation in the business operation concept should represent the uniqueness of the whole business model instead of only the innovation of a certain element of the business model. The emphasis should be on the improvement of the competitiveness of an enterprise by using a more systematic and integrated method as proposed in this study. Keywords: Strategy, Innovation, Strategic Theory, Business Model, Competitive Advantage, Theoretical Model


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