  • 學位論文


The Selection and Information Exchange Behavior of Mystery Fiction Fans in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林奇秀


推理小說是愉悅閱讀中受到不少讀者喜愛的類型小說之一,在臺灣擁有不少讀者,然而圖書資訊領域對其讀者的實徵研究仍不多見。基於現有的文獻缺口與對推理小說讀者的好奇與關懷,本研究提出四個研究問題:1.推理小說愛好者為什麼會喜歡閱讀推理小說?2.影響推理小說愛好者閱讀選擇的因素為何?3.推理小說愛好者的資訊行為為何?4.在推理小說愛好者的社群中,成員的角色、社群規範與價值觀為何?又對資訊交換有什麼影響?本研究利用半結構式訪談蒐集21位推理小說愛好者閱讀推理小說與參與社群活動的經驗,以紮根理論法探究受訪者喜愛推理小說的原因、閱讀選擇行為,並以Chatman的小世界理論檢視推理小說讀者社群的資訊交換行為。 推理小說吸引愛好者的原因可以從推理小說本身的特色與讀者閱讀後能獲得的閱讀樂趣分析,本研究發現推理小說的魅力表現在情節結構、人物、時空背景、與人生觀四個面向上,並會為愛好者帶來解謎的快感、好奇心的滿足、增加見聞的充實感、與書中情節的共鳴與對社會價值的反思等五種閱讀樂趣。在推理小說愛好者的閱讀選擇上,本研究歸納出派別、作家、系列與故事四種推理愛好者常用的文本選擇取向以及七種增加愛好者選擇意願的因素。 在資訊交換行為的部份,研究結果發現,愛好者會在閱讀推理小說前後有不同的資訊行為訴求,閱讀前會為了確保選擇的小說能滿足自己的閱讀期待而關注推理小說出版動態與查詢特定作品資訊,閱讀後則會為了延續閱讀的快感、增加對作品的了解、學習推理小說提及的專業知識,以及了解作家的創作經歷等,而有其他的資訊交換行為。同時,以Chatman的小世界觀察推理小說愛好者形成的社群,可以觀察到在推理小說社群中的社會規範、世界觀與角色類型,而這三個概念也影響了社群內的資訊交換行為。


Mystery fiction is one of the popular pleasure reading genres in Taiwan. However, in library and information studies, there is a lack of research on mystery fiction and its readers. To increase the understanding of mystery fiction readers, this study explored four research questions: 1) What are the attractions of mystery fiction for mystery fans? 2) How do mystery fans’ select new readings? 3) How do mystery readers seek and exchange information? 4) In the mystery fiction fans’ communities, how do social roles, norms and value influence members’ information behavior, especially information exchange behavior? In this study, 21 heavy readers of mystery fiction were interviewed. Grounded theory was employed to analyze interviewees’ reading experiences, their mystery fiction selecting strategies, and their experience of exposure to mystery fiction reading groups. Chatman’s (2000) conceptualization of “Small World” was used to observe the information exchange behavior among the mystery fiction reading groups as well. The study results showed that the appeals of mystery fiction can be described by with four elements by Hudson’s (1910) conceptualization of fiction elements. Readers may obtain five different types of reading pleasures during mystery reading. Readers often employed four selection strategies to identity and discover new fiction titles that might appeal to them. Selection may be further influenced by seven factors, including trusted expert comments, reliable publishers, book awards, work adaption into movies or television programs, translation quality, first impression with the excerpts, and the impressions about the physical books. In regards to information behavior, this study found that readers demonstrated different purposes and goals with information seeking prior to and post reading. In the prior information seeking, they sought information to maximize the possibility of a new pleasurable read. In the post-reading information seeking, they looked for information about the work to extend their pleasures, sensationally and cognitively. Finally, this study used Chatman’s (2000) conceptualization of “Small World” to examine how social norms, worldview, and social types influenced mystery fiction fans’ information exchange behavior in the groups.


國家圖書館(2016)。讀響幸福:臺灣104 年閱讀習慣調查結果記者會暨借閱楷模表揚典禮活動手冊。臺北市:國家圖書館。
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