  • 學位論文


Smart Community: Research on Citizen Governance

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


在治理問題多而紛雜的環境中,該如何即時地切中問題、解決問題、成就好的治理,成了本研究的開啟動機。龐大行政單元的問題複雜而難以解決,若將尺度從城鄉的最小層級「社區」開始,村里、鄉鎮市區、縣市、乃至國家,由下而上地推演後就能成就完善的治理,更期望將治理的方向引領至智慧社區一途,在社區的地理尺度中,透過技術與社會因子,以達成全面的治理整合關係,為民眾自主、可重複使用的模型,民眾透過各種智慧方式,對地方事務的決策有了更好的公眾參與機會,能以此解決社區問題,達成最佳的公民治理方向,使得生活品質更為提升。為達成智慧社區,本研究提出框架將地理概念納入於「智慧社區平台 (smart community platform, SCP)」,設計以網路為基底的時空資訊工具:智慧社區時空資訊平台、智慧社區手機程式、社區系統,以促成居民的培力、喚起自主地關懷生活環境,達成技術智慧;另一方面,主張打造參與網絡,由社區本體籌畫資源,連結外來青年志願者、公私部門進入社區單元,踏入問題的討論過程、制定執行符合地方特質的方案,以多方整合民眾的聲音,深化群眾智慧。在台北市雙和社區的示範案例下,由於智慧社區的導入,即便侷限於有限資源,仍能產出有效的解決辦法,社區問題因此被有效處理。智慧社區以技術的實踐、群眾的連結,發現治理能轉向善治前進,達成有效與延續性的治理,當架構有著能快速複製的優勢,因而能往自主、永續的公民治理方向邁進。


People always yearn for a society without problems at all times. How do we find answers for these problems? In large regions, problems are so multi-dimensional and complicated that we can hardly find solutions for them, to say nothing of discussing enough with related people and organizations. Nevertheless, if we narrow down the scope to the smallest local area, i.e., a community, it will be easier to find out unsolved issues and talk them over with related stakeholders in order to set right directions for governance. Furthermore, if we put the problem-solving process into actions and extend it to every community, when there is no problem in communities, we will have fit cities, performing good governance. As a result, this study will focus on communities, and what is more, we hope to make a guide to smart communities. In this study, we define a smart community as a duplicatable model, in which people can improve the quality of life by applying new technologies and operating collective intelligence to provide solutions to community problems; moreover, the model is conducted by community members themselves. To fulfill the concept of smart communities, we propose an innovative framework, smart community platform (SCP), designing spatial-temporal information tools and participation network to let people have a better chance to take part in local decision making. The framework, including a web-based Geographic Information System platform, a mobile app, and a community system, will improve public participation by involving local people, volunteers, different organizations, and government agencies into the process of citizen governance, finally achieving public-private partnerships. Furthermore, we have conducted a case study in Shuangho Community, Taipei. By implementing the framework, it is shown that the concept of smart communities is a useful means of engaging the public in community affairs. In conclusion, the contribution of the research is to create an approach to empower people, develop public participation, promote citizen governance, and finally achieve good governance. Accordingly, with limited resources, people can find answers for community problems, and develop sustainability plans for communities.


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