  • 學位論文

西方中心主義之下的中國論述: 比較福山的普遍主義與杭廷頓的特殊主義

China in the Two perspectives of Eurocentrism: Comparing Fukuyama’s Universalism and Huntington’s Particularism

指導教授 : 石之瑜


人類社會中存在著許多不同的中心主義,其中又以西方中心主義最廣為人知。雖然本研究所言的西方中心主義凸顯自身的優越性,但並非中心主義的構成要件,也就可能將自身視為是特殊或獨特的中心主義。但中心主義的確需要經由與他者進行比較方可獲得彰顯。本研究延續其他學者的觀點,將福山視為普遍主義、杭亭頓視為特殊主義的代表,試圖從福山與杭廷頓的著作中,歸納出有關普遍主義與特殊主義的闡述,以及兩位學者視角下的中國樣貌,並對兩者的異同進行分析比較。本研究試圖透過兩位學者的中國論述,探討西方中心主義下的普遍主義和特殊主義的敘事者如何看待他者與自身的差異性,又該如何因應這些差異。 本研究發現福山的普遍主義和杭廷頓的特殊主義在西方中心主義的論述下,都將中國當作是獨立的對象來觀察,才能使中國成為比較異同的客體。然而中國文化講求關係,重視個體與群體之間的關係。而當兩位學者都將中國視為是獨立於群體之外的個體時,將會以西方的思維模式去重塑中國文化理解自身價值的方式。如此一來,不論西方是改造中國或是與之衝突,皆無法改變西方自我理解及存在的方式。另一方面,在比較兩位學者之間的辯論時,本研究發現兩位學者眼中的中國與西方之間的差異性隱含了某種普遍化的方法論,使普遍主義和特殊主義並非是兩種不相關或者是互斥的視野。


Human Society exists different variety of centralisms. Among all, the Eurocentrism is best well-known. Even though, the centralism has different meanings, but this paper focus on the superiority part of Eurocentrism. However, all kinds' of centralisms need to be compared with others in order to manifest itself. In this paper, the author inherited other scholars’ comparison, which makes Fukuyama as one of the representatives of universalism and Samuel P. Huntington as particularism. In addition, trying to elaborate more about the relationship between universalism and particularism by analyzing the works of Fukuyama and Huntington. More precisely, this paper focus on two scholars' perspectives about China, and then compare the similarities and differences. In conclusion, this paper aims to discuss more deeply about the universalism and particularism under the Eurocentrism through the comparison of China. This paper found out that Fukuyama's universalism and Huntington's particularism under the Eurocentrism, would treat China as “independent individual”. Once individual, China can be compare as neutral. However, Chinese culture emphasizes relationships, and the importance of the relationship between individual and group. So that, when two scholars treat China as independent individual, this would reshape the way how Chinese define itself by adapting the Western's way of understanding the Chinese culture. Therefore, no matter how Fukuyama and Huntington treats China, this wouldn’t change the way how Eurocentrism treats itself. In the other hand, the debate over the comparison between two scholars helps the readers to recognize the differences between China and Western shares certain methodology of universalism. This makes universalism and particularism aren’t two irrelevant or exclusive.


Diane K. Mauzy.1997.The Human Rights and Asian Values, Debate In South East Asia: Trying to Clarify the Key Issues.The Pacific Review.10(2)
