  • 學位論文


A Study of Character Classification in Liezi

指導教授 : 林麗真


《列子》書中出現的人物多達兩百餘人,有古史中記載的人物,包括古代君王、輔臣、貴族、隱士、哲士、文士、道士、技藝之士等;亦有傳說中的神話人物和杜撰的虛構人物,乃至一般平民百姓等。其人物形象多元而豐富,本文經由歸納整理,分成四大類型作為考察基點,藉以探討各類型人物出現在《列子》寓言或議論中所寄寓的思想旨趣,進而尋繹全書的思路脈絡及綱要體系。 本文發現《列子》書中的四大人物類型,分別表述出不同的特徵與功能:一、耆艾哲士──傳道;二、道術之士──體道;三、政治人物──議道;四、神話人物──合道。很顯然的,《列子》書中的耆艾哲士如孔子、列子、壺丘子林、關尹、老子等,多屬傳道者。道術之士,如身懷特技的技藝者與超凡脫俗的超凡者,他們藉由精湛技藝的操作及形體極限的跨越,主要在於體現物我互融的道物關係。而出現在〈力命〉和〈楊朱〉中的政治人物,大抵均作爲檢討「力命之辨」與「名實之辨」的評議對象,藉著論辯真偽、虛實、力命諸議題,透顯安命自然、輕物重生的人生觀。至若神話人物,經由《列子》的巧構與重塑,主要乃在反映神界與人界之間相分相合的微妙關係,例如黃帝即被視爲能夠實現「天人合一」理想國度的聖王。 綜言之,《列子》書中的人物可視為該書「言道的喻體」,蓋作爲「傳道」、「體道」、「議道」、「合道」之媒介。《列子》歷來因成書真偽之問題聚訟紛紜,導致思想義蘊難以解明;然而,本文盼能在前人考辨研究的成果上,再往前一步探究其思想底蘊,因此特以書中所見兩百餘人物先作類型分析,再進行其思想寓意的解讀與詮釋,但盼能稍中《列》書肯綮。文末並附有〈人物分類表〉及〈人物索引表〉,以資查閲之便。


There are more than two hundred characters mentioned in Liezi, for example, historical personages, such as ancient kings, ministers, the aristocracy, hermits, sophists, Taoist priests, skilled men, etc. Liezi also includes mythical characters, invented characters, and even common citizens. Characters are varied and numerous. After an initial analysis and classification process, this thesis has divided these characters among four types as a point of reference from which to study their allegorical functions within Liezi’s parables and commentaries. Through this division of characters a means by which Liezi’s philosophical structure and essential framework can be better comprehended is also sought. This thesis has found that characters within the four classifications assume different roles and functions. The classifications and matching roles / functions can be outlined as follows: (1) sophists—who impart the Tao, (2) Taoist priests—who perform the Tao, (3) politicians—who are commented on the basis of the Tao, (4) mythical characters—who integrate their lives with the Tao. Clearly, the sophists in Liezi, such as Confucius, Liezi, Huqiuzi, Guanyin, Laozi etc. are imparters of the Tao. The Taoist priests, such as skilled or transcendent men, exercise consummate skill and rise beyond normal physical ability in order to embody the unity of “wu (things) ” and “self” within the relationship between wu and the Tao. The politicians who appear in the “Chapter of Endeavor and Destiny” and the “Yangzhu Chapter”, are the focuses of commentary in Liezi. Dialectics of “real and fake”, “false and true”, and “endeavoring and destiny” are used to convey attitudes in support of destiny fulfillment and respect for human life. Finally, the mythical characters in Liezi are reconstructed within the work; they are used to reveal the subtle separations between and integrations within the supernatural and human worlds. For example, Huangdi is a sage king able to realize an ideal world in which the heaven and man are integrated. Generally speaking, the characters in Liezi can be regarded as metaphors which disclose the Tao, and they act as medium for impartation of the Tao, performance of the Tao, commentary on the Tao, and integration with the Tao. Due to the controversy over the identity of Liezi’s real author and the true time of its composition, the philosophical connotations of Liezi, have not been thoroughly studied as of yet. However, this thesis attempts to analyze Liezi’s philosophy based on previous research conducted as to the date and composition of the work. Therefore, this thesis aims to classify the two hundred characters in Liezi into type groups, and interprets the allegorical functions of these characters in the hope that interpretation in this manner will lead to the greater comprehension of Liezi’s philosophical structure. Character Classification and Character Index tables are provided as reference appendixes for the convenience of the reader.


