  • 學位論文


National Taiwan Library Services for Visually Impaired People: A Study Using Sense-Making Approach

指導教授 : 林珊如


Brenda Dervin與同儕在1972年提出之意義建構理論(sense-making theory),主要以使用者的認知觀點出發,關注使用者如何透過自身的經驗,建構意義與產生意義的過程。本研究以實務問題解決為導向,應用Dervin以使用者為中心的意義建構取向,以國立中央圖書館臺灣分館(簡稱央圖臺灣分館)的視障讀者為研究對象,從使用者的角度探討視障者的資訊尋求行為,試圖回答:視障者利用圖書館的情形(含動機與經驗)、符合視障者需求的服務策略、視障者對服務策略的需求程度等三個研究問題,並作為該館服務品質評估及改善服務的參考。   基此,本研究運用上述理論設計訪談大綱,訪談23名視障者(全盲者15人,弱視者8人,年齡自24歲到83歲不等)的圖書館利用行為;其次,參酌訪談結果,擬訂問卷選項,調查280名視障者(全盲者215人,弱視者70人,年齡自9歲到67歲不等)的意見。研究結果歸納如次: 一、視障者利用圖書館的情形 (一)視障者利用圖書館主要係為滿足對生活資訊、醫療健康資訊、工作資訊、課業資訊、社交資訊、政府資訊、子女教育資訊等七大面向的需求,另有獲取知識、肯定�提升自我、精神勵志�心靈慰藉等目的。 (二)視障者利用圖書館的經驗 1. 促使視障者利用圖書館或視障服務機構的主要原因為資料數量較多、個人習慣、資料較具知識性、資料主題較廣、及節省購書費用;停止利用的主要原因為沒有時間、及改為上網找資料。 2. 視障者選擇特定圖書館或視障服務機構主要是以資料為取向,其次為個人偏好或館員服務等機構取向;研究對象2008年較常利用的單位為央圖臺灣分館及清大盲友會、淡江大學盲資中心、彰師大圖書館等提供視障服務的大學所屬單位。 3. 問卷結果顯示,95.7%視障者使用央圖臺灣分館的服務或設備後,認為其資訊需求感到滿足或有獲得想要的幫助;未能滿足或獲得幫助的主因為找到的資料和預期不同,未能滿足或獲得幫助所造成的影響包括:影響情緒、影響生活、改用其他圖書館、改用其他資源管道、不想再利用該館服務等。 4. 研究對象利用央圖臺灣分館遭遇的館藏發展不均、館藏目錄不佳(2008年11月已建置查詢系統)、館藏缺乏內容簡介、及館藏包裝等問題,並未在利用其他圖書館時發生。 5. 研究對象因過去使用圖書館經驗的良窳,正面會有偏好使用央圖臺灣分館、負面則會同時利用多個圖書館或改用其他圖書館、停止利用央圖臺灣分館、或認為沒有央圖臺灣分館不會有影響等情形。 6. 有聲資料(錄音帶及MP3)、網路資源或電腦文字檔為視障者主要閱讀的媒體型式;視障者網路使用頻率相當分歧,每天上網、從不上網或很少上網者約各占五分之二比例。然而,本研究對象在視力狀況、致盲原因、及年齡三個變項上,與實際臺灣視障人口所占比例有所差異。 7. 視障者的性別,健康(年齡),能力(學習點字、學歷、經濟狀況),及生活狀況(職業、居住地區),在使用的閱讀媒體型式、使用的圖書館或視障服務機構、及使用央圖臺灣分館的服務或設備上有所差異。 (三)研究對象利用圖書館或視障服務機構最常遭遇資訊媒體取用障礙,請館員協助為排除障礙的主要方式之一。 (四)對視障者而言,央圖臺灣分館最重要的服務項目為視障館藏資料借閱;應加強的服務為增加館藏數量、館藏新穎度等與館藏相關的項目。 (五)央圖臺灣分館對視障者的主要意義在於作為資料來源及休閒娛樂管道之一;並扮演視障者的知識寶庫、生活的一部分、及精神支柱的角色。 二、符合視障者需求的服務策略:視障者期望增加小說、散文、醫療健康、精神勵志、工具書、生活應用類主題及期刊雜誌類型的視障館藏資料,並期望製作成MP3、網路資源、或電腦文字檔媒體型式,以郵寄、網路連線或電子郵件方式提供利用。 三、就各種服務的需求程度而言,視障者對資料代查及引導服務的需求程度最高;其次為與國外視障圖書館合作及報讀服務;付費宅急便服務及辦理讀書會的需求程度較低。視障者的性別,健康(視力狀況、年齡),能力(學習點字、學歷、經濟狀況),及生活狀況(職業、居住地區、是否獨居),在使用央圖臺灣分館的頻率或對服務的需求程度上有所差異。   依據研究結果,研究者分別就央圖臺灣分館、視障圖書館及視障服務機構、政府單位等三方面,提出個人建議。   央圖臺灣分館方面:(一)館藏:強化醫療健康類、參考工具書類、生活應用類館藏特色並自製或購置MP3有聲書、有聲CD、及紙本點字書;掌握出版資訊;錄音帶轉錄成數位儲存媒體;提供新書通報及館藏內容簡介;提供視障資料取得之多元管道;(二)館員:增加具視障專業之館員人力並與其他視障單位經驗交流;(三)服務:擴大服務對象至未達申請身心障礙手冊標準但有視力問題之民眾;辦理圖書館利用及電腦教學相關課程;提供新服務項目;整理網路資源;行銷推廣視障服務並加強館際合作;(四)購置軟硬體設備;(五)改善無障礙環境。   視障圖書館及視障服務機構方面:(一)普遍採用彈性借閱規定並詳細標示館藏資料;(二)主動結合社會資源,尋求與他館合作方式。   政府單位方面:(一)指定視障服務統籌單位並整合相關資源、修訂相關法令及標準、挹注視障圖書館及視障服務機構人力與經費;(二)整合醫療體系、戶政單位、圖書館、視障服務機構及啟明學校的視障者名單及服務相關資訊;(三)及早因應高齡化社會伴隨視障老年人口逐漸增加的問題。


The theory of Sense-making has been under development by Brenda Dervin and colleagues since 1972. It is defined as a methodology for studying from the perspective of the user, focusing on the process, how the users construct sense and meaning of their experiences. Subjects for this research were chosen from the visually impaired users of the National Taiwan Library (NTL). The Research framework of this study followed the sense-making theory, which is problem-solving-oriented. The purpose of this thesis is to examine information seeking behavior of visually impaired people using the library. This study also seeks to discover how visually impaired people use libraries whilst analyzing the barriers and problems they experience, and whether libraries actually met their needs. These are reflected in the results referenced for evaluation and follow on recommendations for improvement of the NTL’s services for visually impaired people.   This study used semi-structured interview and questionnaire to collect data, involving 23 individual interviewees (15 were blind, 8 were partially sighted, aged from 24 to 83) and 280 participants (210 were blind, 70 were partially sighted, aged from 9 to 67). The results of the study can be summarized and categorized as follows: 1. Objectives of the visually impaired library user: (1) The subjects used libraries mainly in order to meet information needs in terms of their daily lives. The other motives were to obtain knowledge, to approve or improve self, spirit or comfort of mind. The major reasons for reduced use or stop use of libraries were that the subjects had little or no time and choosen to use Internet. (2) Experiences of the visually impaired as a library user: a. The reasons for using libraries were the larger book collections, their personal habits, to increase personnel knowledgeable, exposure to a wider range of topics and saving money rather than to purchase their own materials. b. The subjects made their selection based upon materials in choosing a library or visual disability service unit. In 2008, the subjects mostly used NTL and visual disability service units of colleges. c. 95.7% of the subjects thought that NTL met their information needs or helped them. A major source of dissatisfaction was that searchable materials varied from those anticipated by the user. d. It was commented upon that other libraries had better collection development, cataloging method, content introduction and media packages than those provided by NTL. e. Good or bad experiences in the past use of NTL had an effect upon subjects in their like or dislike of NTL, also their using more than one library, changing from other libraries, stopped their use of NTL, or thinking that NTL was not important for themselves. f. The major reading media of subjects were audio materials (tapes or MP3), Internet or text files. Two out of five subjects rarely used the server or Internet on a daily basis. However, the causes and condition of the visually impaired, and their ages were found to be different from other visually impaired populations in Taiwan. g. Sex, health, level of ability, and living conditions were found to effect subjects using reading media, libraries or visual disability service units ,and NTL’s services or eqipment. (3) Information Media barrier was the most common obsticle for subjects in their use of libraries whilst looking for help from a librarian was found to be one of the most common ways to solve this problem. (4) Visually impaired users’s expectation of NTL: For subjects, the most important services were library lending. Enriching holdings, newer collections and uplifting the quality of collections should be enhanced. (5) Some subjects think without services from NTL there would be a significant reduction in material resources and recreation available to visually impaired users. NTL plays a major role in terms of the subject’s life and work. 2. A service strategy of meeting the needs of the visually impaired: the visually impaired look forward to an increase in the subjects of novels, essays, medical treatments, health, inspirations, reference works, applied science to living, and magazines; these subjects are provided by MP3, Internet resources, or digital texts, gotten by mail, Internet, or e-mail. 3. The priority of improved strategies: Material searching service was the highest need, secondly, cooperation with libraries for visually impaired, reading services, lastly, paid express services and study groups. Sex, health, level of ability, and living conditions were found to effect the frequency of using NTL or the degree to which NTL’s services were needed.   Based on the results, the author of this thesis has offered some suggestions to NTL upon the quality and service of collections, librarians, services and equipment and environment. The author also has offered some suggestions to visual disability service units and government departments, in order to serve as references for improving services for visually impaired people.




