  • 學位論文


The forming process of the “Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe” and its evaluation

指導教授 : 蔡政文


歐洲聯盟歷經五十年的整合經驗,於2004年協商擬出了《歐盟憲法條約》,統合過去所簽訂的條約,並就歐盟各機構及各國在歐盟之角色作出具體規定。學者杭亭頓曾強調,若歐洲共同體在政治上整合為一,二十一世紀全球的領導權杖將交到「歐洲聯邦」的手中。然而,這份得到所有領導人認可憲法草案,在2005年法國與荷蘭的公投批准上卻遇到阻力,為歐盟憲法發展帶來不確定性。因此本文擬將探討二十一世紀初期歐洲整合的重要里程碑:《歐洲聯盟憲法條約》之形成過程並對其做出評估。 在章節安排方面,第一章為緒論,說明研究的主旨,並說明所援用的新自由制度主義研究方法。在第二章中,我們將建立歐盟憲法的發展的整體概念,包括歐盟制憲的歷史與制度設計。在第三章中,則說明歐盟發展憲法條約的內外因素。接下來在第四章,則是各會員國對於歐盟憲法草約形成會議中的提議原因、立場、與妥協。第五章則在各國簽訂憲法條約後,帶回國內批准的現況說明。第六章,我們對歐盟憲法條約迄今的發展做出檢討:包括歐盟憲法發展的困境與可能影響。最後,我們在第七章將對歐盟憲法發展做出結論,歐盟過去超國家組織與政府間主義並存的特殊條件,使其在走向統合的道路更為複雜與困難,但我們相信這是多數歐洲國家正在努力的方向。


After 50 years of integration experience, the European Union member states, in 2004, have developed the “Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe,” from which the past treaties are compiled together and EU institutions and national roles are enumerated. Samuel Huntington used to emphasize that, if EU could integrate successfully in political sphere, the world would be led by EU in the 21st century. However, the denial of the initial text of “the Constitution” in France and Netherlands in 2005 makes the development of the EU constitution all the more uncertain. So, the thesis is intended to explore and evaluate the forming process of the European milestone in the early 21st century, “Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe.” In the first chapter, the preface would illustrate the main idea of this thesis and the neo-institutionalism approach. In the second chapter, we will provide an overview of the EU constitution, including its history and institution designation. In the third chapter, the internal and external factors for developing the EU constitution will be explained. Then in the forth chapter, we will discuss how each individual state proposed their opinions, debated, and finally compromised in the “inter-governmental conventions.” In the following fifth chapter, the domestic ratification status quo in each country and the reason why they pass or do not pass it will be demonstrated. In the sixth chapter, we will review the development of the EU constitution, its dilemma and possible influences included. Lastly, we come to our conclusion on the EU constitution: EU, with its past experience of supra-nationalism and inter-governmentalism, will inevitably face many difficulties in its integration process, yet we believe it still is the right direction most European countries are heading for.


洪德欽,「緒論:歐洲聯盟人權保障之建構與實踐」,歐美研究,第三十四卷第一期, 民國九十三年三月。


