  • 學位論文


Strategic Planning for the Financial Information Providers in Vietnam Securities Market

指導教授 : 李存修
共同指導教授 : 郭瑞祥(Ruey-Shan Guo)




Vietnam has been accessed by WTO since January 2007 it seemed all of a sudden the door open to the free world. International capitals were flooding into this primitive country; invested in almost everything they can buy. Local stock index recorded at historical high during 2007. Unfortunately, Vietnam in 2008 encountered a double-digit inflation resulting for tightening of monetary policy, and raising the issue of foreign exchange policy, to cool down an overheating economy. It hurts local stock market and aggravates this rumor driven market even further hence changed it from the best to the worst performance in the world. This so-called financial crisis ruined many local investors’ dream as bubble burst. However, in this turmoil, the financial information providers should be able to showcase their value for investment decisions. SYSTEX as the benchmark financial information provider in Taiwan, how are we going to cash in on this opportunity which is key scrutiny and experiment; learning from past successful experience from self, and from Qianlong and Wind, current LOCAL KING in China. Adventure to Vietnam is full of challenges and numerous strategic plans we have to elaborate and re-adjust to reach that ultimate goal of LOCAL KING. Regardless the uncontrollable macro-economic environment, once decide to jump in, we should focus on 2Ps & 3Cs i.e. people, pricing, contents, channels, and competitions. It is recommended, FIPs should exploit this emerging market when in dip and skillfully utilize the suggested strategic plans to build up successful business model and put up higher entrance barrier in preventing competitions.


5. Grinter, Lawrence E., January 1, 2007, Southeast Review of Asian Studies, “Vietnam’s security challenges: dilemmas of reform communism”
6. Grinter, Lawrence E, September 22, 2006, “Vietnam’s Thrust into Globalization: Doi Moi’s Long Road”
8. Mackay, Charles, 1841, “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and Madness of Crowds” Richard Bentley, London
9. Nguyen Vu Tung, December 1, 2007, “Vietnam’s membership of ASEAN: a constructivist interpretation”
10. Wang, Hung-Jen, July 1, 2003, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, “A stochastic frontier analysis of financing constrains on investment: the case of financial liberalization in Taiwan”
