  • 學位論文


A Novel Business Model of Agricutural Products Platform

指導教授 : 游張松


寶島台灣物產豐饒、風景秀麗,但仍面臨一些問題。如:偏鄉社區不善行銷而生活貧困,假冒地名的貨品充斥,食安問題等。本研究目的為創造一個生生不息運作的全新商業模式,達到促成偏鄉產銷經濟,及提供一個鏈結產銷的平台。 本研究透過深入了解目前已稍具直銷規模的那羅蔬果補給站,規劃了一個全新的商業模式,擷取其中優勢並加強其劣勢,整合了生產者、平台、合作取貨站、會員各方資源,打造全新的系統運作模式,將使系統中的任何一方都受惠。 本研究規劃之平台,藉由科技、雲端之應用,降低社區小農們產地直銷的障礙;透過抽驗機制,確保消費者可以購買到安心無虞的產品;售價與成本間的獲利空間,也擬做為社區發展使用的資金,以改善居民生活品質,並創造更多的當地就業機會與收入。


There are rich products , beautiful scenery in Taiwan. But Taiwan still faces some problems. Such as: Partial poor rural communities living in poverty, marketing and counterfeit goods flooding the names, food safety issues. The purpose of this study was to create a new business model endless operation, to facilitate the partial rural marketing economy, and provide a link marketing platform. This study has a bit of insight into Luo, a scale of direct sales of fruits and vegetables center. This study planning a new business model, which capture the advantages and strengthen weaknesses of Luo.Through integrating producers, platform, co-pickup station, and membership to build a new system mode of operation.The system will either have benefited. The research programs of the platform, with science and technology, the cloud of the application, reduce community barriers to small farmers producing direct marketing; through sample testing mechanisms to ensure that consumers can buy the products with no fear ; profit margin between selling price and cost, intended for use as a community development funds , which to improve the quality of life for residents and create more local jobs and income.


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