  • 學位論文


A Study on the Patentability and Risk Management of Genetically Modified Organisms Especially Transgenic Animal and Plant

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


面對臺灣的科技轉型,從2002年的《兩兆雙星產業發展計畫》到2013年國家級的《智財戰略綱領》,可以看出我國政府近十幾年來對於生物技術產業發展越發的重視與期待。然而其中重要的領域之一,「基因改造生物科技」卻無法獲得與至目前為止所投入之資源同等或亮眼的成就,陷入困境。 本論文便想從我國於2010年專利法草案中欲針對動植物專利法制有所調整卻失敗的原因為出發點,探討我國現行專利法對(基改)生物材料的可專利性要件與保護範圍。並比較國際上對生物專利不同的見解爭議與歷程發展,各有其一套判斷基準與價值觀。在符合TRIPS協定第27條第3項(b)之框架下,對於基因改造動植物的可專利性要件、權利保護例外的立法模式,仍有自由的立法空間。 在發展基因改造生物專利的同時,不可忽視的是隨之而來的風險,包括專利法上的爭議與基改科技風險控管的問題。它們與倫理道德、公序良俗、生物剽竊、各方利害關係衝突等議題密不可分,或許有見解以為專利法不應去處理後續行政管制的問題。然而我們可以在國際法上之生物專利發展歷程中,觀察出這些議題不斷地被提出討論,這也是本論文將這兩個主題一起探討的原因。 是以,本論文即欲從此觀點為基礎,以我國實際需求為中心,參考先進國家的生物科技研究與專利法制發展經驗的各個面向。觀察國際潮流趨勢與符合相關國際貿易協定之前提下,考量到若是賦予動植物專利保護(特別是基因改造動植物專利)後所可能引發之風險。以此為鑑,更進一步地提出我國若於未來開放基因改造動植物專利所可能產生的產業衝擊或生態問題等,與之相因應的相關配套措施與權責主管機關之修法參考方向。


Given the technological transformation in Taiwan, what is next step in the future? We can observe that our government has paid more and more attention and expectation to the biotechnology industry recent years, especially genetically modified organism technology. Although we had spent a lot of money and resources in these areas, however, we cannot receive the equal earnings from them. Instead, we are in a dilemma. To address this problem, this thesis wants to discuss why we failed to revise the protected scope and patentability of biological material by the draft of Patent Law in 2010, especially Article 24 (1) of Patent Law. Comparing to the different views and the history of developments on biotechnology patent, we can find that each country has its own set of criterion and values. Under Article 27.3 (b) of the TRIPS Agreement, members may exclude plants and animals other than micro-organisms, and essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals from patentability. But members shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof. Therefore, there are still some free spaces for legislation under this legal framework, for example, the requirements of patentability and limitations of patent right. Moreover, when developing GMOs patents, we cannot ignore the potential impacts and risks. Because the disputes of biotechnology patent and the issues of GM technology are related to ethics, public order and morals, biopiracy, the conflicts of disinterested parties and other issues. Some people think that patent law should not deal with the following administrative managements. But I think they are inseparable, since these issues continue to be raised for discussion in the course of biotechnology patent on the international law. That is the reason why I want to discuss these two themes together in this thesis. Based on this point of view, this thesis will reference the experiences and developments of GM technology related law in advanced countries and international conventions. Considering the actual needs of biotechnology patent law and risk management laws of GMOs in Taiwan, we could do some amendments in related law and regulations. In the meantime, we should establish an authority to manage multifaceted and complex risk managements of GMOs integrally, and develop intellectual property strategies macroscopically.


