  • 學位論文


A Study on the Royal Families’ Publications of Ming Dynasty and its Circulation

指導教授 : 潘美月
共同指導教授 : 林珊如(Shan-Ju Lin Chang)


雕版印刷術發展至明朝,數量與品種均大量發展,超越宋、元,成為圖書事業的鼎盛時期。明代刻書在刻書史上蔚為大觀,刻本皆有所可觀之處,其中以分封各地之藩府所刻之刻本最具特色,且為明代獨有之刻書群體。藩府們憑藉著政治、經濟及文化上的優勢,其刊本展現出校勘精審、刊裝精美、紙墨精良的特點,品質上乘的藩府本,亦受到歷來學者們的重視。 本研究希望整理與分析明代從事刻書之諸藩與其刻書之目錄、整理藩府本後世流傳情形與現藏地點以及分析明代藩府刻書之內涵。 第一章緒論討論研究背景、目的、方法及相關文獻研究。第二章首先從宗藩制度探討藩府集團的形成,並討論因藩王叛變導致加諸於藩府的一連串禁制措施,如何影響他們的所作所為。第三章透過概述整體明代刻書,提供時代背景,並探討促使藩府從事刻書活動的背景與條件,以及分析藩府刻書的特點。第四章整理各典藏機構之古籍目錄、善本書目,藉由今人對於古籍的整理與著錄,試圖找出可能收藏過藩府刻書的藏書家,並了解現今藩府刻書之典藏情形。第五章總結以上研究之結論,並提出後續之研究建議。


The wood block printing has been invented since Tang Dynasty. The quantity and classifications of publications in Ming Dynasty outperform the publications generated in previous Dynasties. The books published by royal families of Ming Dynasty, superior to books created by other publishers, are unique in the printing history. With the political, economic, and cultural advantages, the royal families are able to produce books in excellent quality, and these collections are highly valued academically. Also, scholars have been paying considerable attention to the study of these books through times. This study aims to arrange and analyze collections published by royal families, to investigate its circulations and current locations, as well as to discuss contents of the books. The first chapter includes the research background, goals, methods, and other researches relevant to this topic. The second chapter introduces how the royal families form in Ming Dynasty through imperial clan system, and the changes in terms of behaviors and thoughts after imperial clansmen have been disempowered due to rebelling against Ming emperors and failure to overthrow the authority. The third chapter provides the history background of Ming's printing development, the conditions of how royal families start printing activities, and the discussions of the editions’ special features. In the fourth chapter, catalogs and annotated catalogues of rare book are organized, and collectors who collect these books and recent locations are recognized based on the existing catalogs. Last, chapter five summarizes the previously stated discussions and makes suggestion for future researches.


