  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of Dual Clutch Transmissions with One-Way Clutches

指導教授 : 劉霆


本研究欲發展新構型之雙離合器變速箱(dual clutch transmission, DCT)。首先建立包含單離合器變速箱、雙離合器變速箱與無間隙變速箱三種不同構型之齒輪變速箱模型。分析換檔時的特性與了解不同離合器元件對於變速箱動態之影響作為發展新型雙離合器變速箱之基礎。接著分析一完整之六速DCT系統,建立六速DCT之力學模型並且以電腦輔助模擬軟體SimulationX驗證模型之正確性,再說明換檔時需要操作的元件與順序,並提出DCT運作時可能發生的問題。為了解決DCT之問題,在不改變現有構型的條件下,發展加入單向離合器(one-way clutch)之新式雙離合器變速箱,命名為DCT-O。分析換檔時需要操作的元件與順序與原始DCT比較。最後使用SimulationX建立模擬模型,設定不同模擬條件,比較DCT-O與DCT差異,驗證此DCT-O是否能有效的提升DCT之操作表現。


The purpose of this study is to develop a novel type of dual clutch transmission (DCT). This research starts with the introduction of power interruption during gearshift and then followed by DCT, which is the most common solution for reducing power interruption. As an important foundation to develop a new type of DCT, three dynamic models, manual transmission, dual clutch transmission and seamless transmission, are established in a simulation software, SimulationX. The models express the dynamic characteristics and influence of different clutches unit in the transmission system during upshift and downshift. Afterwards, a comprehensive analysis of DCT is done by calculating the degree of freedom, deriving the dynamic equation and evaluating the process during gearshift, which leads to the conclusion that there are some disadvantages in DCT. Next, with the concept from seamless transmission, the study develops a new type of DCT with one way clutch named DCT-O and claims that DCT-O can avoid the existing problems in DCT. Finally, it continues with the establishment of DCT and DCT-O models in SimulationX, in order to compare the response of the systems in different simulation conditions and therefore verify whether DCT-O performs better then DCT.


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